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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Saturday, December 3, 2005


okay not much happen today..I feel very sick today...not cool..so how r u guys?

umm ok my teacher only stayed for 20 minutes today cuz i was sick but YAY ITS FRIDAY!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!! T__T *is happy* okay I'm going over board on that one aren't i!

okay i gotta read this book called "My brother Sam is Dead" and it looks really dumb! I'D MUCH RATHER BE READING A ANIME!!! >:O CURSES!! BUT YAY MY MOTHER IS GIVING MY FMA BACK!!! THANK U GOD!! XD YAY!! *happy again XD *stops with the happy* ah...i dont feel well at all!! >:D lol!

I just started thinking that my birthday is coming up..on January 21 :D..wow...I'm gonna be 14 O_O NO WAY!! HELL I KEEP FORGETTING IM 13! O.O and ppl think i'm 12..what a shocker XD lol and i have a doctor appt. with a heart doctor on the 5th -3-' yay *waves hand up in air like a fruit* how annoying -3-

My Friend is makin me a Pride!Ed cosplay O_O! I'm really happy about that!! I'm gonna wear it outside to XD lol! the only problem is that the tops a belly shirt and the bottoms look like a skirt! -3- you guys probably know what i mean, it looks just like Envy's outfit but the gloves are different. lol

oh looky quiz
Erm, you think you've gone far enough yet? (Otaku Level: 6)
Otaku Level 6

What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ha lol!

ok I'm out


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