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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
nothing what so ever ._.
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i was 4 years old
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Heart doctor says........
okay frist I'd like to say Sorry to M.Armstrong and Chibi Hiei ((who ever called today)) sry i wasnt here to talk to ya! I was at the heart doctor!!! GOMEN NASAI!!! ((u DID call right? my bro called and said u did ^^'))
ok not much happen bout you guys??
Oh i went to the heart doctor today. you guys know what i'm talking about((those of you who visited when i posted on it)) if u dont know my dad died of a heart thing my bro has it and i might...the doc says I.......I................................................................................. I....... :D *keeps doing dots* ................................................................. I DONT HAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -3-' I HAVE P.E. again!!!! NOOOOOOO!!! I HATE U P.E.!!! lol
Okay i have LOADS of homework due tomorrow!!! >:O NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! lol
I gotta read 50 pages or more in a book! >:| 5 tests i gotta finish tonight and tomorrow morning and a bunch more!!!
(computer starts freaking out* OH @#$%!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO U DO THIS COM!!! YOUR HAUNTED ARENT U!!!!!!!! oh that reminded me *com stops* AHA!!!! oh yah anyway we were on our way to El Pollo Loco and this guy behide us had his BIRGHT lights now, not the normal ones, and my mom and grandma were ranting about him:
Me: flip him off and tell him to turn his @#$% lights off...
mom: you'll end you getting shot if you do that!
me: if that happen I'd come back as a poltergitest and haunt them!!! [inster evil laughter cuz of evil thoughts]
mom: RACHAEL?!!!
me: WHAT?!!! I WOULD!! >:D
*everyone goes silent of a minute*...*than starts laughing*
me: WHAT?!!
*we get to El pollo Loco*
mom: what do u want?
me: I hate their food..i dispise this place...they should burn to the ground *evil laughter* >:D
mom:*sighs* Rachael...
me: what? its i alwayz say, cant hide from the truth. ^-^
my mom just got home from a store and she bought me black nail polish O_O has sparkles in it -_-;; lol she says i cant have the normal back -3-' lol she wants to go to target now lol its *looks at clock* 9:20pm lol XD *paints nails*
um...what else happen today?..nothing that i can remember...
Ra's Random Question:
What do ppl at your school or any where else clasifi u as??
My answer: I'm know as the goth/emotionless doll/ and an anti-social b*tch XD lol
 You are Uchiha "The Bastard" Sasuke! Loosen up, will ya?
Which Naruto character are you? (Images, not that obvious) brought to you by Quizilla
Sweet!! suits me ^___^ *trys o paint right hand* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I CANT PAINT MY RIGHT HAND WITH BLACK NAIL POLISH >:O lol
 Your word is silent.. You've a few good friends and your loyal to them. You aren't sad but you don't like to talk that much.
Whats your word?(Anime pics)(Updated...) brought to you by Quizilla
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