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Palm Desert, Ca
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10th Grade Student
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Rachael. :]
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i was 4 years old
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
Another Day, Another Time
Today i found my ring!!! i lost it while putting up the tree ^^' Do NOT put up a tree with a 500 dollar ring on!!!! and thats with it on sale! 50% OFF!!! O.O my grandma i nutz for giving this to me ._. she gave it to me for valentines day this year
i also found my FMA watch!!! yah i had lost it a few weeks ago T_T it had fallen behide my computer desk -3- and i didn't notice!?!! what an idiot!
other self: got that right -3- *is throwing my FMA watch in air*
me: WHAT?! *growls* *gasp* PUT IT DOWN, B****!!!
other self: WHAT DID U SAY?!
me: U HEARD ME!! *attcks her* *fist fight breaks out* *starts laughing*
other self: W-WHY U LAUGHIN'?!
me: aw man! everytime i get in a fight i remind myself how me and my cousin would fist fight!! ppl would have to tear us apart before we killed one another! yah good times! ^^
other self: ._.;
me: what? it was fun! *grins* last time i saw her, her and her bf started neckin and i mean come on! i dont wanna see him putting his hands down her pants and who KNOWS what else!! so yah i was just about to punch him in the back of the head before he saw me and stop saying ((and i qoute)) 'please dont hit her! hit me instead' i just laughed and called him pathetic (sp?) ^-^
other self: ._.
me: STOP GIVING ME THAT LOOK!! anywho what else happen?
oh yah my cousins boyfriend disappeared a while back! i kept forgetting to post on that, 'cause its not really at the top of my list cuz i hate him and hope he fell of a cliff and plunged to his death....maybe hitting a fell bolders on the way down! *grins*
u: o______O; issues?
me: -3- maybe...ok yes....
and hopefully hes in hell and king yama is playing good old tennis with his balls *insert evil laughter* AW MAN!! i love my bro for saying that about me!!! its so much fun!!! he also has been calling me gothic the past few days ._.
*so arguement with my mom happens*
bro: you know, its all because shes a gothic tom-boy
me: *twitches* what?! *glares*
bro: *says some stupid comment*
me: *pissed*
my mom keeps calling me something i cant remember what it is refers to me chewing on everything ._. lol she also calls he a shit ass
me: shit ass...? wtf is that suposed to mean?! and it sounds so lame!
she also calls me a little asshole!! XD she comes up with the dumbest names its rediculus!
oh and my site got messed up i'll fix everything tomorrow ._.
Card from EdWillSos to all her MyO friends:

Thank you! I for one love it!!! :D
i gotta make a card ._. im just to lazy to do it...((sloth is getting in the way lol))
okay i shall take my leave
-§Pride§ "The Emotionless Doll"
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