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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Yoyo yo!!

ok i'm so very bored!!

my teacher loaded me down with homeowrk the other day ;_; today she gave me a science test which i finished just now, math q's 37-54 than 71-78 and a worksheet, than 2 test in social studies, and than i gotta read 2 chapters in my book and do vocab for both chapters than do 2 worksheets that have things to do with the book ._. not that much

ok today...not much happen my mother has been really buggin me today! and i went across the street to get something to eat from taco bell for her and get myself some breadsticks((its also a pizza hut)) and when i was walkin back she was standing at one of the cross walks watching me! saying "watch out for cars!!" >:O LEAVE ME ALONE WOMAN!! GOD I CAN WALK ACROSS THE STREET BY MYSELF!

ummm....what else...i dunno ._. i cant think of anything! im chewing on a sharpie though XD my moms yellin at me to get off the computer and do homework ._. annoying! oh and if u didnt notice i took a few different codes off my sitey lol!! XD

oh and greed 2k's new puppy has parvo! she could die!!! and she's having trouble breathing right now ._. poor thing

-Rachael Pride

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