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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Time:10:20pm ((here in cali ._.))
Current Mood: bored ._.
Listening To: Memory from FMA:BBI! >:D MUAHAHAH! ((THANK YOU JESS FOR THE CODEY!! ^0^))


ok not much today...i slept till 2pm ._.;; lol I cant believe so many of u havent tryed pocky before!!!! O_O

my scanner..it..it...LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES!!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! ?:"
ELVIS!! yay for Sarah!! ((she showed me it >:D))

*thiinks* WTFOMFGBBQ!!!! It's Christmas ._.;; i forgot yesterday was Christmas eve till i went to Mina, Sophia's site,which btw looks great, and she had posted on it! x_x

ummm..what else happen today...well i didnt get on the com till 8:30pm here cause my com was being a b*tch and wouldnt work x_X! lol

*looks at FMA Cheetos* DONT MOCK ME DAMNIT!! >:O *talking to FMA Cheetos*...*stares down cheetos* *pops one in mouth* X_X *hacks* U TASTE BAD!! x_X *stares* *slowly pops another in mouth* X_X *chokes* *cough* *cough* *death* X_X



Sesshys only wife


*couldnt dicided which one to post so did both*


Thank You All!!


i uploaded a piccy, see......it very old to -3- over a year!! i was like 11 or 12 when i did it. go looky, if u comment dont be to harsh ._. it was my first pic of that series


quizy >:D

If You Were Edward Elric, the Full Metal Alchemist... by crazydominodragongir
Your Favorite Character
What You Would Say If You Were Ed"WHO'RE YOU CALLING A GRAIN OF RICE?"
First Person You'd HitArmstrong. "Stop sparkling! You're starting to freak me out!"
What You Would DoOverthrow Roy AND Bradley. Become Fuhrer yourself!
The Philosopher's Stone...You don't need it. You're Ed Elric. You can do whatever you feel like... well, okay, except human transmutation and the like, but that's not the point.
Your Success Level: 98%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Your Encounter with Edward Elric by SilvernFalcon
Enter your name:
Enter your age:
What is your career/occupation?:
Where you meet Ed:At a fancy restaurant.
What he says/thinks:"Would you say yes if I asked you to marry me?"
What he does:Growls
Where you went:To Drachma.
What happened:Ed hugged you.
The next time you met him...:Scar interrupted a personal moment.
You cracked a height joke...:...And Ed kissed you to 'make you shut up'.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

You In FullMetal Alchemist by AlexiaSilver
Full Name
Fav. Color
You are a ----A State Alchemist
Your Hair Lenght and ColorVery Long , Red hair with Orange Highlights
Eye ColorSilver
Alchemy NameCrimsionWing Alchemist
PartnerA Cat Demon Named Gwen
Your Kids3 Boys 1 Girl
How You DieYou Got Killed by your friend
How Much you will Be Missed: 70%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

mitsukai eimin

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