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myOtaku.com: Fallen Angel101

Monday, May 1, 2006

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okay, first off...about yesterdays post--

Kawaii Presea~~i luv ghosts to D: i know i 'shouldnt' but when someone tells me to do something, i do just the opposite >_>;; oooh~ Possibly overshadow someone and come to kill me, you say..? sw33t >D *ish temped even more now*[laughs evilly/weirdly]

EdWillSoS~~ i <3 haunted houses! do you? OwO yup, my family ish cursed v_v; so your the lil person that keeps breathing on me..and pulling on my curtains~! ...


okay in other news...uhh...oh~! I got to talk to Edo today! and yesterday! (on Com of course) that reminds me...i wanna call Rachel(chibi Hiei) and Sarah(m. armstrong) *goes for phone but realizes its 10:36pm here*...ugh! its like....12 there! i cant call them after 9..or something *they parents* DAMNIT ALL! ._.;; fine! ...I'll call tomorrow~! *Mwahaha*


.....RAWR~PH34R M3H!!....

okay i stop now

Oi,i got draged to teh store AGAIN by my aunt D: lucky we were only gone for *thinks* wait...4 hours D: yesterday it was 6 or more -3-; goa...

DUDE! guys at school keep asking me if i do drugs~!! DX GAH!
one guy: O.O woah...do u do drugs...?
me: no why...do i remind u of your mother or something...(he was black, no offence i was in a mood)
me: Pesh, whatever *glares*

other time:
guy: do you do crack?
me: ... *throws right arm up clenching hand into fist* YAY CRACK!! ... *i dont do crack or anything~~*

-.-++ WTF! do i ACT like im on crack or something? *is serious* do i? o.0 just because i have bags under my eyes dont mean anything D: IM A SICKLY PERSON WHO DOESNT SLEEP!

This made me laugh :D

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I dunno why...but i LOVE the look on Envy's face in this pic!!
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...envys a whore =O

[+1+] Has anyone ever asked you if you were REALLY a Boy/or girl? weather on net or real life (whatever u may be)

My Answer: YES! D: what BASTURDS!

[+2+] Do you like See's candy?

My Answer: its ok

[+3+] Ever play...BBI? *couldnt think of anything else*

my Anser: no T.T but i wanna


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