Time: 9:10AM
Hiya, Today I'm at school, its the 4th day of the 2nd semester. I'm in 2nd period right now and I have nothing to do. Tuesday or Wensday I will switch out of this computer online class. I have one class with a friend of mine. Her name is Jan, she is a foregin echange student from Taiwain. I'm glad I have her in my 3rd period, she helps it make it go by quicker. I have some friends at lunch. Abi, Jan, most of the anime club, and my boyfriend Michael. I wish I can spend more time with all of them but I can't.
My relationship with Michael has been going good. Its pretty bad that I only have lunch with him instead of last semester I had 2 classes with him. When I hangout with him at lunch it gets pretty akward because I'm surrounded by noisey people and by my friends. I feel like I'm being watched. I hope I can just start going to the library. Its so quiet there. That will be a good place for me and him to be actually able to talk. But ebony is going to be there... Theres going to be alot of interuptions then. *sigh*
Oh well, Thats all I have to say. I hope everyone likes the new layout I found it at one of the sites on the left(I think...)
Please comment and all vist you soon!
~FaLLeN AnGeL87~
