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in a horrible town called mt. pleasant
Member Since
Real Name
Katelyn Baylor
not much
Anime Fan Since
um i was little (3)
Favorite Anime
to become something in life
writing, singing, drawing
writing, drawing
| Fallen Guardian
Hey I'm Katie, several things you can do here are
1 make commenst
2 look and take the quizzes i have here
3 sign my gb
o and about gb signing if u sign mine i will sign ures and also add u as a friend its just easier for me to no if i have returned the curtisy if u dont want me to add u spicify it in the gb signing plz ook enough rambling lol have fun!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
things have changed
lets see its been awhile whats happened........Andy and I broke up but its all good he wasn't a very good boyfriend anyways but yeah that was mean of me....Last night I went to mcdonalds to get some food for Alicia (the other manager, i had to stop playing because of injury) and I. while I was there i saw Dillon he is from drivers ed and he is awesome im like 6 ft and he is 6ft 6inches so its awesome and he said that him and i should go out sometime he couldnt do much more than that and say he loved my hair, i dyed it back to its anatural color, his manager was in his way and was making fun of him i think the other workers at mcdonalds found it entertaining so i gave this Brittni girl who I saw at the game my phone number for dillon but i didnt think and i gave him my home number instead of cell. I like 3 guys its pretty safe to sya Dillon is one, My friend who is a wrestler and this guy who my friend morgan just calls the tall one considering her and I both decided that it wasnt smart to let everyone know the guys's names since my friendss would make chaos out of it so life is pretty darn good for me right now.
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
movies last night and awards tonight
Last night was great I went to the movies with my friends Justin, Staci and Bittni. Justin and Staci are going out. Oh I also went with my boyfriend lets just say I didn't see the whole movie lol. Tnonight is awards night I'm not gunna say what for tho...I'm suppossed to wear a special shirt but none of mine are in good shape....Oh well it's from 7-11 so it is gunna be a long night and tomorrow i have drivers ed from 1-4 is the class and from 4-5 or 6 is my drive time.
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Happy Happy lol
Hey y'all idk why but I have taken a habit to saying Y'all and hun anymore its weird I'm not that far south and like no one here in Iowa talks like that except me.... Oh well, I'm so spoiled anymore I have a new car, and new stereo in my car, a celly, oh and lets not forget my new boyfriend Andy. Oh my bday is in about 2 and a half weeks so I'm not getting anything on my actual bday.
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Featured Quiz Result:
ok i have some friends that like him that may kill me now can he protect me from them i dont think so!?
 Hiei!!Your Hiei's soul mate!!This shocks him as much as it shocks me!!!He acts like he doesn't need you or like you.But deep in his heart he loves you and he'll protect you from any sort of danger!He'd never cheat on you and hopes you love him as much as he loves you!!
Who's Your Soul Mate?::Based on Anime::For Boys and Girls!! brought to you by Quizilla
I love wolves so I like this result and it is accurate