Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
hey its me (and me) i wanted to apoligize (u better) it seemed that ppl couldbt find the rules due to my pure stupidity of putting it undr a random topic (moron) so now i put it here for those of u who want to check out the original rules (why would they want to check those out) theyre under "oh shit i think im getting sick" if not then ill repeat them (why would they want to check out the old ones)
1. the main thing is about drawing Bob (thats me) mhm...those f u who dont know him if u check out my intro and some of my post ull get what hes like (what am i like? what do they have to figure out)
2. there r no major rules rly u can draw him any way u want (just dont make me a cross dressr) why not u might look cute (ill kill u!) u wish
3. jst no nudidty...plz dont (why...ould they draw me naked...)
ummm ill just put a 4 here i guess. (why) cause i dont like odd numbers (.......) what (WELL MAKE A RULE FOR IT) oo testy fine fine; those of u who r planning on making him with my oc...i dotn have one yet so thats out of the plan (uhhh thats the best u can come up with) oh fine how about this untill i draw my own Bob there will be no known deadlne yet (she hasnt even started yet-and her own contest) shut it (make me) i dotn knwo how to yet (neener neener) so i wil draw up my own friend (dont worry shes not enetered in to the contest) he wouldnt let me (wel duh) hmph wehn im done i will give the deadline then AFTER i pick the winner i wil display mine
kk thats it im fallen angel (and im Bob) and this is *says to gether* our post!
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
hi, its me (and sadly me) i wounder how yall doing on ur contest entries (she hasnt even started on hers) waaa i have no time (what about class) the teachers r glaring at me (they have been for 5 years now) i know anyways i have soemthing new for u guys to try out courtesy of OMGiwantpieNOW thaaaank u (she found it not us) yes so dont think i have the intelectual to find these things here u go
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Hi it's me again (and me) umm yea i think im getting head been killing and my throat started hurting right now (and ur getting tired really fast) ya that too. uh HAPPY NEW YEARS (EVE) i hope u guys enjoyed it and tomorrow (the fireworks r gonna keep us up all night...damn stupid ppl) oh hush let them have fun (wtvr im too tired to argur much,,,when u sick i get affected too) ha ha at leats im not alone...ok so anywasy i posted one of my quiz results down there so yea make of it as u will (she rly is crazy) and it makes things so much more intresting (yea yea) i will now be doing something i think u will alll enjoy....IM DRAWING UP BOB FOR U. YAAAAAAY (yea finally. but i dont think ud be able tyo capture my aristic beauty) rnt u a guy? (a guy can be beautiful!) o....k if u say so so ill just have to ask all the ppl who r unfortunate to come across this site (not many depending on ur huestbook) must u rub that in? (yes) *grrr* anyways as i was saying id like all of YOU to try and draw Bob will ofcourse be doing my own model in the end but id liek to see what u come up with and the person who makes the bestest Bob ever will, not only be featured on my site but,,,,*drum rol plz* get a request from me (WHAT! HAHAHAHAHA what kind of prize is that theyre better artist then u in so many ways) waaa no need to be mean im as good as any and theyll like it (yea wtvr if they join its mostly for the challenge and glory of beating their other oppenents mwahahahaha) ahhh *gulp* Bob is kind of excited for this so here r the rules...
THERE R NONE (except no copying others) thats right u can do real life chibi a man a kid even a cross dressr (what why that) i dont care as long as its what u think fits Bob best (a cross dresser!?)
sooo good luck and if u dotn hear from me its proabaly because i passed out on my bed
oh and if u DO enter in something then let me kno bout it ok i cant keep looking for pictures send me the site or something
(and spread it aorund to ur frineds i dont care who enters as long as im HOT) but that wouldnt fit ur character would *smirk* (what u say)
this fallen angel (*grumble* *grumble*) echem! i said this is fallen angel (*sigh* and im Bob) and this is *says together* our post!
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
woops my bad id like to take the time now to apologize (why) because its nice to do that Z(since when did u care) since i need fans!
anyway...hi, its me (and me) and id like to ask ur forgivness (not that it really atter to us) for taking so long to post anything (the only one ur hurting is u) yea i know but i thouhgt maybe theyre wondering what happened (im sure they dont) wtvr any ways thing is , as u probably know by now, i suck at comps (very much so) shut up and b/c of that my scanny thingy (u mena a scanner) yea that well im having huge trouble with it (doesnt know how to work it) and the only way im getting my stuff is through the wonderful job of dog girl (lets give her a round of aplause) u might embaress her (u already did that)oh yea well anywasy shes scanning my stuff but i only see her so often (too often for her poor girl) waaa u think (i know) sorry! (ummm...ur not going to cry r u)naa too lazy (*sigh*) and so ill have a couple more to post soem done with professional act soem done in class (when u were suposed to to be taking notes) ehh who does that anymore and id like to apologize (here we go again) for making it to long i had a complaint (i dotn think it was a complaint) from before so i made this one shorter (no u didnt its still long) shhhhh u know that and i know that but they dont know that (.........) so thats it im fallen angel and ( and im Bob) and this is *says together* OUR POST
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
this is a test i repeat this is test no need to be alarmed no need to pa-(oh just do us all a favor and get on with it)
ooo testy arent u (ooo annoying arent u) im making things more livlier nothing wrong with that (it is if u never get to the point) fine fine hi again, this is me (and me)...i wanted to play around with this site thingy a bit more so im sticking this randomly in here (she honestly has no idea what shes doing) i never said i did (i just asking them to be easy on u due to ur stupidity) ill ignore that (as if u could) anyways as i was saying before i was so rudly interupted (not sory) *grits teeth* IM PUTTING THIS THING HERE
 My Lucky Star Hosted By
its supposed to be one of my pics i think (u hope, u mean) and i picked this one as a tester b/c im still obsessed with this pairing (creepyingly obsessed) creepyingly isnt a word (it is now) arnet i supposed to be the one who makes up words (ur getting off topic again) oops anyways i looove them though i know soon ill get sick of them and never want to hear their names mentioned again (shes starting to lose intrest alreay) true taru. i am currently reading Ouran High School Host Club and i loooooove it (same here) i already watched the anime and that was hysterical so now i began to go for the manga (ANYONE WHO DARES TO RUIN IT FOR ME, EVEN IF I DID SEE THE ANIME WILL DIE AT MY HANDS, HAVE THEIR REMAINS BE BURIED AND THERE RECORDS THROWN IN TO THE FIRE) and we will mix ur white laundry with the color mwahahahahaha (ummmm, nvmd)and tipi ur house (uh ok thats enough) and egg your car (some ppl dont drive) and give u nugies (how can u if theyre dead) and- (ok ENOUGH) ummmmmmm the same goes for Fruits Basket. ummmmm yea i love Kyo alot. he was my scond anime love (the first is Seshomeru) u spelled that wrong its Sesshomaru (how would i know i didnt like him i liked Sango *meow*) ugh ewww didnt need to know that. lets see the next one i loved was Kish theeeeen Ochiai from Beuty Pop though its nt love i just think he's funny...ok i dont liek him nvmd he doesnt count oo oo then the Hitachin Brothers (we think u know where from) i read alot more comics but thats it for anime loves (wait...dont i get to tell mine) no eww gross how come i have a consciense thats a boy (because girls giggle and talk about malls and stuff and u have enough friends for that) oh yea wait does that mean i wont be maternal when i get pregnant (no no i dont take over that field she'll come when its ur time) aww then u wont be lonely (ur starting to have a convo with urself again) oh right sooo enjoy my post and ill see (speak) to u guys tomorrow (well really all ur doing is posting random stuff that not many ppl read) zip it. signing out im fallenangel (and im Bob) and this *speaking together* our post
oh and if look down ull see one of my quiz results
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oooooo my first post (ur such an idiot) but im ur idiot (dont remind me)
hi this is me (and me) but u dont count (sticks tongue out) yea way mature!
Hmmmm, my first post....well i wont tell u bout my day cause who rly cares...nothing huge happens (well we did break out in color war) yea but we dont participate in that (and whos fault is that) dont bring that up again,,,i told i cant stand too much loud noise (this comming from someone who blasts her ipod) hey! ur alwasy complaining its too low (cause u made urself slightly deaf in 1 ear) *gasp* i..u said u wouldnt bring that up *sniffle* (uhhhh dont cry, i hate crying) ok! so instead ill show u an example on how quizes dont determine who you are just look at this one. HOW THE HELL DID I GET THIS!!!!

What Kind Of Dreamer Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
(hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa. YOU! a lover! HAHHAHAHAH) u dont have to be so mean about it....ur always being mean about things u know (ok ok how about this...its not such a bad result...u do love ur friends and family right) yeaaaa (so there u go. and u have to admit it's a cute picture)....yea ur right. so thats the end of this post. ill be here to discuss my next quiz result (oh no) did u say something *glare* (uhhh i meant oh no...we um have to go now) hmmm i thought so! Bye bye!
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