Thursday, December 27, 2007
oooooo my first post (ur such an idiot) but im ur idiot (dont remind me)
hi this is me (and me) but u dont count (sticks tongue out) yea way mature!
Hmmmm, my first post....well i wont tell u bout my day cause who rly cares...nothing huge happens (well we did break out in color war) yea but we dont participate in that (and whos fault is that) dont bring that up again,,,i told i cant stand too much loud noise (this comming from someone who blasts her ipod) hey! ur alwasy complaining its too low (cause u made urself slightly deaf in 1 ear) *gasp* i..u said u wouldnt bring that up *sniffle* (uhhhh dont cry, i hate crying) ok! so instead ill show u an example on how quizes dont determine who you are just look at this one. HOW THE HELL DID I GET THIS!!!!

What Kind Of Dreamer Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
(hahahahahahahahahahahaaaa. YOU! a lover! HAHHAHAHAH) u dont have to be so mean about it....ur always being mean about things u know (ok ok how about this...its not such a bad result...u do love ur friends and family right) yeaaaa (so there u go. and u have to admit it's a cute picture)....yea ur right. so thats the end of this post. ill be here to discuss my next quiz result (oh no) did u say something *glare* (uhhh i meant oh no...we um have to go now) hmmm i thought so! Bye bye!
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