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Lost in the complex laberinth that is my mind.
Member Since
Assasin of refined skills
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Call me Retlaw
Anime Fan Since
Don't know...
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Ranma1/2, Wolf's Rain, Yu Yu Hakisho
to become an olypian runner
Running (competively) and math
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Guestbook Entries:
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Xibit (09/20/04)
You have a very cool sit my favorit anime is cowboybebbob it is cool to I hope that you can sin my gb and add me as a friend cos Im am -XZIBIT-
Vicious 2 (09/19/04)
when angels fall from heaven, they become demons
yote1234 (09/19/04)
I love Cowboy BeBop. Eds so funny. thats why shes my Avatar. All the time I thought ed was a he untill I like finally found out. Anyhoo thanx for signing my GB. I really appreciate it. I like yer site. Ooh nice colours. I adedd you as a buddy. Letes keep in touch. Bubye. *Hugs*
katiekurama (09/18/04)
Hey, love the site!! I think it is SO cool that you want to be an olympian runner!^__^ I'm adding you as a friend cause of your coolness, okie? Toodles, and thanks for signing my gb!^^
Mirokucharm (09/18/04)
Hey, thanks for signing my GB. Anyway, you've got an awesome site! Great job!
KinkyKittyMewMew (09/17/04)
OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO I like your site thingy merbob I must give to you this *gives the freakishly cool dude a weird punky frog* WooT and now you are a ripe BIG CHICKEN!!! anywhos bye
InuyashaReborn (09/17/04)
hey! thanks for signing my guestbook! thanks for adding me as a friend, i'll add you too! :D see ya 'round!
Artemis (09/16/04)
Wow! A guy interested in Greek mythology! You don't find many of those... You've just joined my list of super cool people. ^_~ Thanks for signin' my gb. PM me if you wanna talk mythology, ok? ^_^
InuYashaGe (09/16/04)
Hey I like your site too. I'll add you as a friend. Later!
demonboy (09/15/04)
Thanks for signing my gb, and yes I've heard of Cowboy Bebop, but have never had a good enough opportunity to see it, but I commented on your first post... so check it out
Ja matte ne
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