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Kunoichi, Tsukikage
Real Name
I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism without spellcheck (don't ask me what that means, I don't know)
Anime Fan Since
Pokemon came out.
Favorite Anime
Bleach, Digimon, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Full Moon O Sagashite, Inuyasha, Miyazaki's films, Naruto, and Pokemon.
To stay who I am and to not care what others think of me
Video games, reading, and writing.
Are you kidding? I don't have any talents.
| FallenOnes Tears
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Monday, January 1, 2007
Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!
Hello! I am finally back from my little vacation! I had to go to visit my family. They live 10 hours away! It was a very long (and boring) drive. My aunt and uncle are insane, though, and we had to be doing something every day, like going to a park or a museum. But I'm back now, and I'm going to try to get on myO more often.
It is now the year of the boar!
I watched to 4th Inuyasha movie last night. It was great! I loved the song the half-demon children sang. It was so sweet and sad...
Song of Parting
Father once said to me
Many moons ago
A demon hand will defend
Mother said one day
There is more that you must know
A mortal hand will sustain
Two hands together
Incomplete alone
Balance in union
And the gate will open
Go, my children, go
Go to crimson flames
To save our children
The lights of memory remain
Did you guys watch The Prince of Tennis and MAR? Toonami started showing them last Saturday. I liked MAR a lot. A guy goes to an alternate reality that he's been dreaming about for months, with lots of magic and stuff? Sounds like something I'd come up with!
Well, I'll go visit your sites now! |
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Hello all! I'm sorry I disappeared without a trace for a few weeks! I really missed you guys! I just get all depressed sometimes, since both my best buddies moved away. I also get homesick for the place where I grew up sometimes. But I'm okay now, so don't worry!
Well, I guess I should tell you what's been going on with me. Well, I was a ninja for Halloween, which was awesome! The only problem os that I'm allergic to most of the candy I got, so my mom took it and gave it to the Good News Club where she helps out. Maybe I'll put my costume back on, get some pictures of it, and post them. What do you think?
More recently, the only other female trumpet player in my class moved away, so I'm basically all alone. Also, in gym class we started dancing. The dances are mostly fun, but our state dance is a partner dance, so I had to dance with this guy named Ross. He once pretended to hit my friend in the head, so I really don't like him.
I don't have to go back to school until Monday because of Thanksgiving, but I won't be on much because my grandparents are visiting. So enjoy the new theme, and I will try to get to all of your sites today! |
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Sunday, October 29, 2006
Yay! This is the "super-secret" character that I've been talking about! Haku's my favorite! *squeee* 'Kay, sorry, fangirl moment over. I don't really feel like posting right now, but I'm doing it anyways. I have write a 600 word essay on energy that was due on Friday. I never did finish. Then I have to do more science, math, and English. I also have to write a spooky(but not too gory) story about a historical person, place, or event by Halloween. I'm going to have to read it out loud to my class! I don't think I'll have time to do it though, which sucks because it's for my favorite teacher this year. Her classroom is decorated for Halloween more than my entire house is, and my lame English teacher wonders why she lost the decorating contest when all she had was two stuffed spiders. Well, I have to go now, and I will try to get to everyone's sites! |
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Friday, October 20, 2006
It's a four day weekend! Nikki and Leah are over and we're acting like idiots! Well, I've got to go now, but have a good weekend everybody! |
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
This guy on the bus asked me if I would go out with his friend!!!!! I was like, "Um, no." But I was totally freaking out!!! So gross!!!!!!
Well, on a happier note, my theme is now Hinata from Naruto! She's so cute! We also have a four day weekend, meaning no school from now until Monday! Nikki and Leah are coming over to stay at my house tomorrow night. We're going to make Nikki drink lots of caffine so she won't fall asleep!
Well, I'll go visit your sites now! |
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Okay, I think I got to everyone... Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. I was crushed by makeup work! >.<
Today was pretty good. It's raining really hard! Yipee! Tomorrow I have to take the PSAT! Me nervous! *crews fingernails* And don't tell me chewing my fingernails is gross, I was just doing it to show my nervousness! So in the past two days I have had to make up a quiz and two tests, and there's another quiz I still need to take! I haven't finished my homework yet either, but all I have to do now is read a chapter of this book and you'll never guess what it's about! But I'll give you a hint: it's called Mythology!
Okay, well, I have to go now, but I'll leave you with a picture and a quote from Pokemon, which I have been watching recently! It now comes on on Boomerang at 10:00 Eastern Standard Time!
For crazy Charizard fans, such as myself!
"That was really disturbing." -Brock from Pokemon, episode: Electric Shock Showdown |
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
New theme
Yes, I know it's supposed to be Halloween next, and then my super-secret mystery character, but this new theme is to celebrate my multiple personality disorder, I guess. Notice my avatar says "chaos within". Well, this site is where I show my darker personality, when I actually allow it to be seen. To see my other "personality", click here. Sorry I haven't been on lately, I got sick, and when I get sick, I get anti-social, so I didn't feel like getting on the computer. Now I have a ton of make-up work to do and it's getting late. I think my fever is back... at least, I'm sweating, which I wasn't a minute ago. Anyway, I tried to get to everyone's sites, so if I didn't, then I'm sorry. And please go check out my fan art! Only ShadowsFieryFlame and Magnus Lensherr went! You guys can do better than that! Well, I guess I should go do my homework now... Bye! |
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
New art is up!
Please go check out my new fanart! It's a satyr, though it wasn't supposed to be one when I started drawing it. That's why his beard looks wierd. It was originally supposed to be part of his mouth, but I messed up on it and changed it. It's not actually that big because my scanner messed it up, but I still think it's cute!
Some of you haven't watched Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind before! It's one of the awesomest movies ever! Go to BlockBuster and rent it or something! I feel so bad for you guys!
I have this bug bite on my thumb and it's driving me crazy with it's itchyness! Grrrrr!
I have to translate this story I wrote into Gullah, which is the language that slaves in my state used to speak a long time ago. It's really tiring! But I'll get it done eventually.
Well, off I go to visit your sites! Bye! |
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Hello everybody! Today was favorite team day, which sucked because no one was giving out candy. T-T
I'm watching Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind right now! It's such an awesome movie!
Sorry, but I have to go now! Hopefully I can visit you later!
Okay, I'm back, but just for a minute!
What is your favorite animal? from CuteKilala
My answer: A dragon!
Please ask me more questions, they're really fun to answer! Well, bye again! |
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
This is a pic of me on pirate day. I got it off my teacher's website, so enjoy!^^
Today was tacky day, which was pretty lame. Tomorrow is favorite team day, so I'm wearing a Penn State shirt! Michi is drawing Kameko for me, so she's gonna look awesome!
Well, I have decided to let you guys ask me questions. What are you curious about? I reserve the right to not answer questions if I feel like they are too personal!
Bye now!
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