FallenOnes Tears
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Something I put on my cbox awhile ago that I don't think got read by the intended recipient:
Carrie: Someone told me you had a friend move away. Me: Yeah, her name is Heather, or you might have known her as Michelle. Carrie: Did I know her? Me: She was in math club. Carrie: What does she look like? Me: She has brown hair, and she always wore it in a ponytail. Carrie: I think I might remember her... Me: She wears a red sweater. Carrie: Oh! Her!
That's for you, Red Sweater Girl!!!!
lol. you people probably don't get it, but whatever. ^^"
Today was dress like a pirate day at my school because it's spirit week. I got a half pound bar of Hershey's chocolate for looking piratey! It was good... *licks lips* Okay, sorry about that. Anyways, one of my friends (Leah? or was it Nikki?) said I looked like I had walked right out of the movie Pirates of the Carribean! That made me laugh. ^^
Later, when I was waiting for my bus and eating my chocolate bar, this annoying guy named Michael came up to me. (He insists that we got married last year. -_-) He wanted to know how I got the chocolate, and I wasn't going to tell him, even when he said he'd go away if I did. Then he said he would file for divorce if I told him, and I was soooo happy! No one would want to be his wife, even if they were insane! So I told him and he said really loudly, "I want a divorce!" then went away! I'm so glad to get rid of him.
We got our school pictures today. Mine looked horrible! >.< I got to laugh at Ward's, but I hadn't gotten mine yet, so he didn't see it. I couldn't stop laughing, he looked so funny! XD
For my new theme, it's not going to be new. An old one, I guess, but how old I'm not sure. I didn't check yet.
Some questions:
1) If you thought about it, what do you think I look like in real life? (don't answer this if I already know you. that means the people who have a link to themselves in my profile)
2) Do you recognize my avatar? (Tsume don't answer this one)
One more thing: Michi, would you like to design and draw Kameko for me? I tried, but I couldn't get her right. I'll send you more details soon! I didn't get around to drawing Mythril yet either. Mythril (or mithril) is a sturdy yet lightweight metal. My character whose name is Mythril feels a strong bond with Honami, who can control metal.
Bye bye now, everybody!
Otaku Loves You :-) |
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Thanks to CuteKilala, ShadowsFieryFlame, DarkWolves Faith, Kogasgirl4ever, and Spirit792! These are very great people who commented on my last post! Let's give them all a round of appalause!!! *claps enthusiastically* I just wanted to let you guys know you are loved and aprieciated (sp?)! Yay thanks!
Okay, now that that's over with... My day is okay, how about yours? I think I'm going to draw Honami's teammates today. Maybe. If I get the chance. I can see them in my head right now, but I know they won't turn out that awesome. Their names are Mythril and Kameko! More later!(for those of you who don't know, Honami is my Naruto o.c.)
I haven't gotten to everyone's site yet, but I'm working on it... Oh! I just realized! Some of you are probably wondering, Where's the Halloween stuff? The answer is: The day after I put it up, I realized it wasn't even October yet. (I'm slow, eh?) I like the way it looks and I'm going to leave it like this for now. After Halloween, it's going to be... well, I'm not going to tell you yet! You'll just have to wait and find out! Hint: MY FAVORITE ANIME CHARACTER EVER!!!!! *glomps mystery character* Yay!
Yes I am hyper today but I have no clue why!!!!
Yesterday I got to watch Naruto and Bleach! I don't like the new opening for Naruto... Both the opening song and the ending song from Bleach is stuck in my head! "Ride on Shooting Star" from Fooly Cooly is too! It's driving me crazy! @.@ Okay bye!
PS~ You might have noticed the new links in my profile. They are to people on myO that I know IN PERSON!!! Please do not ask me to put a link to you up there!
PPS~ I have a new goal! Check it out over there... <-- |
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Friday, September 29, 2006
I just got home from math club! It was fun because I figured out the equation before Anna, but then I wouldn't pay attention anymore. I was too busy celebrating my little miracle! lol!
I changed my site a few days ago. Not many of you saw it I think, but it's Halloween! BOO!!! Yay!
Today I get to go to a football game to meet up with Blue! I was so exited when I found out I could go, the only way to describe my behavior is a fangirl who has just seen their favorite bishie live and in the flesh!
My parents have decided that I can't go because none of my friends who aren't in the band are going with me, I'm too immature to go on my own. I'll try to get them to change their minds, but if not, I'm sorry Blue. Hopefully next time. |
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
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Monday, September 25, 2006
Hello peoples! Sorry I haven't gotten to many sites yet, I'm trying! >.<
My friend Leah (DARK HYGUUYA) is making a manga! It's about a bunch of her friends (including me) who go to an anime convention! So far it's super funny! Oh yeah, parental controls won't let her log in, which is sad. :(
I've changed my site again and I'm changing my name back to Nami... It suits me. (said Mr. Duncan style) If you don't know what I'm talking about, I feel really bad for you! lol! Oh yeah Michi, I heard he died! Probably from non-politically-correctness! lol!
Yesterday was my all-time high for comments! 8! wOOt!
I am holding the eighth Inuyasha ani-manga hostage until Kumrama's Girl gives me back Furuba six! (Don't look for Kumrama's Girl, her site is off!) Also, the "m" was a typo! It's supposed to be "Kurama's Girl."
My social studies teacher extended the deadline for a project we have to do which I wouldn't have been able to get done in time!
In case you can't tell, I'm HYPER!!!!!! I blame it on the pudding! *points to chocolate Snack Pack sitting in front of the computer* lol!!! Bye now! |
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hello everyone... My day is going good so far, how about yours? I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, but oh well. *shrugs* And thanks for your concern, I'm feeling better now!
Yesterday was kind of sad... I was going to go to the high school football game with Nikki-Kun to support Tsume(my bro, The Silver Flame) and some of my friends who are in the marching band. I was also hoping to see one of my friends who is going to go to the rival high school. Then at lunch, Nikki's throat started hurting so she couldn't come, and my parents didn't want me to go alone. Then I think I failed my English quiz. I forgot to study. -_- The bell was about to ring so I could go to science when the principal came on the intercom to tell us that a student had died on Thursday. I didn't know him, but it was still pretty sad.
Don't read this paragraph if you don't like hearing about people dying! After listening to parts of the story from different people, here's what happened: Mac(that was the kid's name) got off the bus on Tuesday and called his mom to tell her about the good grades on his progress report and they planned to go out to dinner to celebrate. His mom was picking up his older brother at the high school, and when they came home, his brother found Mac in a closet with a belt around his neck. They took him to the hospital and he was put on life support. On Thursday they took him off life support to run some tests, and that's when he died. It was kind of fun to finish my mom's sentences at dinner when she was telling my dad about it. I had heard most of the story at school, and she had heard everything exept that he died at Bible study. She said he might have been playing the choking game, since he was pretty happy that day and all. I think that it's kind of stupid to try and make yourself stop breathing. But that's enough of that.
I'm now changing my name to Tsukiko. It means moon child in Japanese, and no Michi, you can't stop me this time! I'm going to give the name Kameko to a new character I'm going to draw! She's going to be so cool! I also got a Cbox so we can chat!
Sorry this is so long. I'll stop talking now. But if you want to talk to me, my parents are going to a wedding and I'll probably be on then.
PS~ Michi, I kept forgetting your present, but I am sending it to you asap! Sorry it's taking so long! |
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Hi people... I am home with an ear infection. Actually that was yesterday, but the antibiotic seems to be working. My ear doesn't hurt anymore, so I was going to go to school. Tsume was driving the car to get in some practice and my mom was there to take me to my school after he left. Then I almost threw up (carsickness I guess, but I never get carsick) so instead of going to school, my mom drove me home. I'm not supposed to be on the computer, but my mom went grocery shopping so I snuck on. Actually I'm supposed to be researching the daily life of people in colonial Connecticut, but that's soooo boring! Mom's bringing artichokes home for lunch! Yummy!^^
Well, gtg, I'll try to visit everyone later! |
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hello all! Today has been okay... I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, but I have just enough time to leave you with a random pic that I will now pick randomly!
Well, have a nice day! |
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hello everybody! Sorry I'm posting so late. I have a lot of homework and I still haven't finished yet. Anyways, my new theme is up! It's Full Moon O Sagashite! I absolutely love it!
Right now I'm going to watch Bleach, which I digitally recorded when it came on last weekend!
Have a great rest of the day, though I doubt many of you will read this!
"We stand in awe before that which cannot be seen, and we respect with every fiber that which cannot be explained." -Rukia from Bleach |
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