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Monday, December 13, 2004


adopt your own virtual pet!

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Fake Nails
I just put fake nails on last night for the first time and I couldn't do anything. I had to have me sister come in a make my bed for me because I wasn't use to how I was supposed to do things. but last night two of my nails broke off and one of them fell down the drain so I had to put a new one on. This morning when I got up and put my shoes on to take my dog on a walk three of them came off so I have to put them back on before I left. Then this morning when I got to homeroom two of them popped off. In first period, which is Science, we were going on a test me had had on Firday and I started pulling them off. It didn't hurt like some of my friends said it would. After 1st, I went to History and my friend Chaz wanted something to pooke my friend with, so I told him I had some fake nails in my pocket and he ask if he could use one. So I gave him one. Boy was it funny. Now the nails were clear, but as they got to the end they became a see through blue with a white flower and two leaves on it with a few sparkles. Well he said they were cool(and pretty), so he wanted to put it on. My History teacher gave him some kids glue and Chaz tried to glue it to his nail. It stayed on for a few minutes, but fell off so he gave it back to me and then I put it on his desk and told him to keep it. Oh and my history techer, Mr. Grevert, took a picture of Chaz glueing the fake nail onto his real nail. It was so funny.
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Saturday, December 11, 2004


What Does Your Inner Anime Character Look Like? (For Girls) by Rose Lover
User Name
Fav. Colors
Fav. Anime Show
What you look like
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Exams and other problems 2
IMPORTANT: You NEED to READ the post BELOW this one inorder to understand what I'm talking about.

Sorry about cutting the post off like that. My 3rd period teacher walked in an I was typing on a computer I'm no suppose to use.

-continued from the below post-
So I have to get my father to take me to the hospital so they can check and see if the crash did anything inside my head that could...hurt me in the long run or possibly make me die sooner...like the brain swelling or something like that. But the thing is I didn't even know how I crashed. I was riding along, both hands on the handles, not riding with no hands, I wasn't truning, there was nothing in my way, no bump of anything. But the next thing I know I'm blinking and feeling myself falling to the ground and hitting my head incrediably hard. I blinked and kept my eyes opened because if I blacked out or had a concussion or became unconsise that my friends would know. But my friends came up(on their bikes) and my friend Alex and my sister Krista(badgurl8) literally dragged me up off of the ground and helped me stand up. I hung onto Alex till I was sure that I wouldn't fall down or anything, let go and got on my bike and went home.

One more thing. Yes. Yes. I know you're thinking "STOP!" But I have to get this out. My principal is making everyone raise their hand to leave the lunch room. Come on! Its like we're in preschool again! So now we have to line up against the "North or South" walls, get our lunch and sit down. Did I mention that you have to raise your hand to go and sit with differnet people, use the bathroom, or get a drink of water. And once you leave the cafiteria you have to stay out.

Ok I'm done. Not really but I'm about to leave for lunch so I'll post something else later that involves the "Lunch Room Rule." See ya'll later.

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Exams and other problems
I'm going to be pretty busy all this weekend and all next week studing for my exams. Since I'm taking 2 high school credit courses, which just happen to be Algebra 1 and I.P.S. Science, those exam results will count towards my overall semester grade. Plus my history teacher can't make up his mind if he is going to give us our Chapter 7 Test the day before our History Exam or give us the test the day of the exam, which would give us less time to complete the History Exam before lunch. Then in Science we have to know a WHOLE bunch of stuff such as how to find the density of a liquid or how do you find the mass of something. In Algebra 1 we will have to be able to sovle a proportion or create one, find the surface area of a given shape, find the volume of a something compicated and do fractions with negatives. Now since I'm not good at math you can see how that is really going to hurt me if I don't get a good grade on it or if I don't learn it before the exam. Plus I have to get very high marks on these exams and on the FCAT in March in order for me to even think of getting into Tampa Bay Tech.

Oh yes I just sent my application off this moring but the mail if running VERY late now a day, sometimes not coming till 6 PM) and it has to be there by Friday. And I've got to go to a writing session this Saturday at 8:30 AM -.- which I'm not looking forward too.

And this Friday is my friends birthday party and its at 7 PM and I don't know what time it ends so I might have to leave early. Oh and I still have to get her something.

On top of all this i crush on my bike on my way home form school this Monday and screwed myself up pretty badly. I bruised my entire left hip and butt cheek, bruised my right thigh, cut up my left elbow and had my head hit the cement really hard. Now I'm having minor headaches and my neck is killing me.

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Monday, December 6, 2004

Its been a while since I last updated. Hows everyone doing? I'm...okay I guess. How do ya like my background? Its awsome because it has Kurama in it. :D My friend(and crush) Sean might be moving into another county. I was so sad when I heard that. Oh my two friends broke up after going out for about 6 monthes. Well I've got to go to lunch. I'll update later. See ya.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Cool picture

What Kind of Angel Are You? (Girls Only) by Rose Lover
User Name
Eye and Hair Color
Fav. Archangel
Random Word
What you look like
Your JobDeath-guide those to heaven when their time comes
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Monday, November 29, 2004

This Is So True
Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood.Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studyin

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Sunday, November 28, 2004

My current husband

Blind date with a hot anime guy ^.^ by Originality
Lucky Number
Favorite color
Date ===
Where the date isHis Place ^,-,^
First thing date says to you"hey there!"
Last thing date says to you"Sorry about the fire"
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Long Drive
Man I need to stop to posting stuff in 3rd period, but then agian this is the only time during school that I can...wait a minute I can get on the Internet during 4th. God I'm an idiot. Anyway, this is my last day of schoo lfor this week, then I'm out for ThanksGiving Holidays. Whoop! ^^; I'm hyper if you didn't notice. Oh and in 6th period(which is Advance Language Arts) we are having a party wiht a whole bunch of snacks. So I will be even more hyper. :D Oh I almost forgot, tomorrow my dad, sister, stepmom and me are going to drive up to Arkansas for ThanksGiving. Its going to be LOOOOOONG ride, just thinking about it makes me tried. Plus while we're driving up there I have to sleep in the car with my sister(whos account is badgurl8). So that means I've got to charge my MP3 player, buy batteries for my cd play, upload new songs onto my MP3, burn a new cd with all the new songs on it, pack all the crap I need and stuff I won't need, oh and download all the songs I need before I put them on a cd or my MP3. And all of that has top be done my tomorrow at around 3 PM. God I've got my hands full. HOLY SHIT I completely forgot to do my Algebra homework. Damnit I've got to do it right now so I'll have free time during 4th. Well see ya'll later. I've got to do my homework. Bye. -runs off to do the cursed math problems-
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