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myOtaku.com: FallenVampireDrow

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

Exams and other problems 2
IMPORTANT: You NEED to READ the post BELOW this one inorder to understand what I'm talking about.

Sorry about cutting the post off like that. My 3rd period teacher walked in an I was typing on a computer I'm no suppose to use.

-continued from the below post-
So I have to get my father to take me to the hospital so they can check and see if the crash did anything inside my head that could...hurt me in the long run or possibly make me die sooner...like the brain swelling or something like that. But the thing is I didn't even know how I crashed. I was riding along, both hands on the handles, not riding with no hands, I wasn't truning, there was nothing in my way, no bump of anything. But the next thing I know I'm blinking and feeling myself falling to the ground and hitting my head incrediably hard. I blinked and kept my eyes opened because if I blacked out or had a concussion or became unconsise that my friends would know. But my friends came up(on their bikes) and my friend Alex and my sister Krista(badgurl8) literally dragged me up off of the ground and helped me stand up. I hung onto Alex till I was sure that I wouldn't fall down or anything, let go and got on my bike and went home.

One more thing. Yes. Yes. I know you're thinking "STOP!" But I have to get this out. My principal is making everyone raise their hand to leave the lunch room. Come on! Its like we're in preschool again! So now we have to line up against the "North or South" walls, get our lunch and sit down. Did I mention that you have to raise your hand to go and sit with differnet people, use the bathroom, or get a drink of water. And once you leave the cafiteria you have to stay out.

Ok I'm done. Not really but I'm about to leave for lunch so I'll post something else later that involves the "Lunch Room Rule." See ya'll later.

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