Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
-_- this code better wrk.. thankz soo much angeldust 22

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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Mew Ichino
-_- finally posted it. sry bout the wait Dicemaster.
hehe.. i like my mood icon.. theres just something about those rolling eyeballs...
materials used:
1) various markers that happened to b sitting around at my township library (dont ask)
2) red pen for like to lines in the hair b4 i decided it was too shiny xP
3)my micheals semi-god pen (dont ask) for the outline nd inking.
4) backround is blue nd pink watercolor pencil. w. hot pink bubbles?!? (er.. sry i was rly tired)
5) outfit is all yucky (lol the yellow doesnt match the red at all but.. well.. its to late to change. yellow marker, yellow watercolor pencil nd yellow reg. colored pencil.
6) gray shading done with a pencil (wat else?)
7) dont rly hav much in the way of art supplies.. basically mix-nd-matched random stuff that i find around the house..
I still hav ta make aggys pic which i mite finish by monday (but i kinda doubt it.. knowing me..well it could take a while..) Neway, its probably gonna b the last of my "tradition" put together evry marker-pencil-pen u've got pics. aftr that its Ariels nd im rly hoping to do a watercolor pic. i hav an idea in mind nd i need to put it down on paper but im not sure it'll turn out like i want it to (at least not the first copy). i cant rly remember doing more than one copy of a pic but i think this ones worth it.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
New pic
Hopefully Mew ichino (for Dicemaster) will be posted by tomorrow.. word of warning.. the colors are so OBNOXIOUS!! they clash horribly but i couldnt find ne markers that were the right color.. nd ariel suggested black for the dress but it seemed too dreary for the pic.. now i wish id listened.. sry Dicemaster.. -_-2nd thing...
Requests r lined up as follows.. (evn tho no Myo ppl hav requested theres school ppl that hav so this is for them to see how there pics r coming along)
1) Aggy- Alice nd Kyo
format designed havent put it on paper. should be in a week after midterms (mayb before then). probably gonna be black nd white with shading. or mayb i'll do water color but most likely not.. with border
2) Ariel- Lucifer/ someone else i dunno.. mayb it wasnt lucifer.. i'll havta ask again..
format designed not on paper.. watercolor nd colored pencil, mayb pen, will go shopping to buy more supplies.. border included.. sometime around Feb 3.
3) Scarlet- =_= thanks soo much 4 scanning my stuff nd im sry u havta wait -_-
original character format in mind.. mayb border if i can find one thatll wrk.. probably with backround nd lotsa colors.. estimated date around Feb 17.
For Myotaku ppl who want to request, i'd be more than happy to do so but u'll need to pm or email me watevr but u gotta include a description or a pic of ur character. Be warned that im disorganized nd depending on how many r b4 u,.. well it could take a yr (im not kidding).. but probably not :D mayb around a month at most mayb a bit more..
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
...-_- finally posted more fanart...
ugh. tomoyos finally done... (nd posted) thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much scarlet :D (for taking off the dark blu from the marker that smeared all ovr the place..)
u can see the pic full size on scarlet's beautiful nd very awesome website :D its the pic on pg 2. jus click the thumbnail (nd dont 4get to sign scarlett's GB
..sOoo.. my commentary on Tomoyo Daidouji (my pic not the character.)
1) hair done w. chisel tipped black marker "borrowed" (in othr words hes nevr getting it back) from my little bro's crayon box (which has random things in it. the marker went ovr colored pencil cuz the pencils were water color ones nd they were wayy too light. no actually 3 of them were. by the time i'd found a regular purple.. well.. it was a bit late.. (plus it wasnt rly the right color neway :P)
2) the backround didnt get picked up well by the scanner.. pinkish purple watercolor pencil (aghh im sry i dont hav many art supplies)in case u cant see (which u cant), its supposed to b roses nd their leaves in the backround.
3) the two white blotches outlined in pink on the left ribbon of tomoyo's hair are intentional. they're supposed to b 'little orbs of light' (yeah i no- say whaa??) there were other 'little orbs of light' floating around in the backround but the scanner didnt pick them up.
4) yeah. i no. the rose on her right sleave is obnoxious nd hot pink. -_-... about that.. the pink is actually bright hot pink in real life but scarlets scanner toned it down. non intentionally but it worked for the best :D
5) can some teach me how to CG nd use photoshop??
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Tomoyo's head
ugh. my colored pencils r the watercolor kind so there not showing up too well on the paper. tomoyo's head should b put up soon (almost finished). i got a new black pen tho so im happy :D i need to get more art supplies but michaels... well thats a long story..
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Going away for a bit...
well 4 rather strange reasons i'm not gonna b posting a lot of art for the next month.. maybe more. but i promise to get ppls requests in b4 jan.1st. (nd finish dicemasters contest entry.) geez ppl create accounts.. (cough aggy) i look like a loser talking to myself...
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
upcoming stuff
Working on:
1)tomoyo's head (colored this time)- the hair got rly screwd up evrithing started running out of ink nd i ended up "borrowing" my little brothers (yes this siblings real) black marker
2)cosplay of myobi from alichino (actually scarlets doing most of it now..we still hav to go get the cloth nd i still hav to make money to get the cloth...)
request list:
1) kyo nd alice (gonna start soon)
2) artemis fowl (god i hate u jane..)
3) ariel's sesuna frm angel sanctuary pic (will be light blue but i need to find a pen thats not purple nd has ink..)
4) marlenas pic watevr its gonna b
5) some othr ppl that i 4got
want to do soon but may nevr get to..
1) kamui from x
2) sue and orahu from clover
3) dark nd daisuke from DNangel
4) son goku from saiyuki
5) naruto from naruto (this probably wont get posted)
6) kamikaze kaito jane (in color)
7) yue from ccs
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Friday, December 9, 2005
ps- im also taking commisions nd requests. :D
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yay! i loaded my 2nd pic. Im surprised they dont have Yami no Matsuei(descendents of darkness) as a category in the list thingy.. neway..the people there r pretty, well actually just the guys cuz the grls eyes r rly rly close together.. So my second pic is Hisoka (i think, i dunno cuz he has a look alike nd its confusing..). its from the cover of vol. 2 and hes the 3rd anime guy ive evr drawn (well im gonna say third cuz i can remember the first but im guessing im forgetting one so i added 1)... i wasnt rly thinking wen i drew him nd the pen i used is rly only for fine line work not shading (its now like out of ink from coloring hisoka's hair..) it also sucks cuz it had to be shrunk nd i dont think it retained the original dimensions... u can see the full sized version on scarlet's site O nd i wasnt thinking wen i drew hisoka's hair nd mouth.. (yes i no the mouth is seriously out of proportion..) Plus his one shoulder is wierd cuz i was too lazy to change it.. the 3rd eye lash of his right eye is actually hair but i didnt no that until aftr i drew it, so it ended up as a wierd looking eyelash.
soo.. neway.. thanks to the 5 ppl who commented on tomoyo nd the 3 ppl when signed my gb nd the ppl who visited my site.
O nd...
Aggy- Kyo nd Alice r coming soon (aftr i finish practicing 4 my performance exams nd crap..)
April- Buffaloes DEFINATELY live in nevada
Elise- BEEF
Connie nd crew- your grandma is stuck in the fence..
Scarlet (my semi-little sis by 2 monthes evn tho im less mature) - thanks 4 scanning my pics nd putting them on ur awesome site :D also -- found my queen? ^_~
Linda (my little sis whom i drew tomoyo 4)- aghhh i missed ur bday by like 2 monthes T_T im sryyy nd i need to giv u the pic nd this site so u can see ur bday pres.
michelle (my other little sis whos linda's twin (not rly but its fun to pretend))- holla
---aghh my hand hurts from typing--
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