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• 1993-05-22
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• 2007-11-19
• being a damn high school student
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• Rachel
• making it to high school
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• the days of Sailor Moon
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
WEll i've decided to update after a thousdand years of not. I'm doing ok i guess i'm making Shred suffer right now at my mercy. HEH HEH
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
Hi everyone I'm Rach's older sister. I'm the one who had to inherit her site and continue her legacy on here. ^^

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Sunday, January 6, 2008
This really isn't the easiest thing for me say. Rach (AKA the owner of this site) killed herself. There's a TON of reasons as to y she did it, but i wish she never went through with it! I wanted her to keep trying but, that's rather selfish of myself to think. I found earlier this morning and trust me, I was a fucking wreck when i found out. But Rach wouldnt' want us all to be sad... rather she'd want us to continue with our lives as if she was still here.
But how can we do that when a person who has touched our lives so much is gone? I'll never get used to her not being there, but then again we've been pals for a LONG time, she knew better than other person will probably ever have. And for that I want to respect her wishes and try to move on even through it'll be the hardest thing I've ever done. She was beloved by many and is completely irreplaceable. I'll miss u my pal.
~Spreading Wings
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Friday, January 4, 2008
Ugh... I'm so freakin tired! Between school starting back up again and practing with our marching band and my friend's band I've been wiped out. AND IT'S FIRDAY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! And I'm tired. Well I'm gonna take a nap! Nighty night!
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
I changed my theme of my site. Orihime was getting a tad bit boring, so i changed it to Vaan from FF XII *sighes* he's sooooo cute.
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Happy Sunday peeps! It's almost New Years, another year gone by... WHATEVER, PARTY!!! LOL Well i hope everyone had a good Christmas, I sure did. I got to go to the midnight mass at Wing's church and it was pretty, Wing's was almost late for it LOL She came running into church in her big huges heels ready to keel over and die because her feet hurt, i sat there laughed silently at her, hey it was funny everyone was staring at her and then the rest of her family comes in quietly as come be and then she's walking to the back all u could hear was STOMP STOMP like Frankenstien and there Wing's is turning at deep shade of red as i laugh silently at her again. She eventually joined me up in the middle it was so funny! I kept annoying her by singing the hymns wrong and she'd give me this annoyed sideways glance. I think in one of them i rammbled about pie.... OH WELL! I tried to help her with ideas for her book earlier but she's getting frustrated because i wasn't taking anything seriously (she gets really serious when it comes to her book and she's no fun *pouts*) Well anways i think i've wasted most ur times up so BYE!!!!
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hey peeps! What's up? Merry Christmas to all of u peeps who even bother to read this!!! I'm not going into detail about what i got since it'll be boring to type all that shit out. CYA!
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
I'm bored and Ellie is mad at me now... T.T
So i took quizzes!!!!! XD

What Kon Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
 | Which season are you? (anime pics) created with | You scored as Summer You are Summer time. You are a bright and social person who does well in groups. You are usually care free, and you enjoy the heat. My only suggestion to you would be to act catious. You are very trusting, so be careful.
Summer |
| 100% | Spring |
| 88% | Autumn |
| 50% | Winter |
| 50% |

Which Fruits Basket Zodiac Character Are You? (including God) created with |
You scored as Kagura Sohma You are Kagura Sohma!
This means youre a super tough person on a quest of love! Youll do anything for that special person in your life. You love them so much, it caused you to have mood swings. But just saying I love you isnt enough, you have to show it, using violence if you have to. Some people might discribe you scary, while others discribe you determined and strong.
^^ Congratulations and thanx!
Kagura Sohma |
| 80% | Shigure Sohma |
| 50% | Kyou Sohma |
| 50% | Momiji Sohma |
| 40% | Yuki Sohma |
| 15% |

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Saturday, December 15, 2007
I feel like a cruddy friend right now T.T i've been so focused on a certain someone... *see last post*
i've been ignoring my poor, neglected friend Ellie AKA Spreading Wings! i called her upon realizing this and her voice sounded bored/lonely/sad.
i feel awful right now!!!!! idk how i should solve this problem! gee now what?!
Does anyone have an sugestions????????????
Should i get her a bf!? I SHOULD! Who i get? Damn her high standards!!!!

Resident Evil: Survival Horror
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
IT'S FIRDAY FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT A NEW BF! He kinda looks like Uryu from Bleach... AWW WELL! I think i might change the theme of my site because of it LOL
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