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in a tissue box
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Me, Myself and I
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Yvonne and u can call me Rikku or Fanadic too
stuff o.o
Anime Fan Since
foreva and eva and eva
Favorite Anime
Final Fantasy - Kingdom Hearts - Bleach - Naruto - DNAngel - FullMetal Alchemist - Pokemon - Digimon - Rozen Maiden - Rurouni Kenshin - Shaman King - Tsubasa Chronicles - .Hack
i gotta lot =O
draw, listen to music and space out =O
i play clarinet, draw, annoy people, and get hit in the head or hit other people in the head
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/05/08:
YESSSHHHHHHH!!!!! I R NINJA!! *runs into tree*
Would you SURVIVE in Naruto's world?

You'd definitely survive in Naruto's world!As a friend and as a ninja, you're a reliable person who can be counted on in difficult situations. Whether it's about keeping your best friend's secret or mastering a high level ninjutsu, it's a piece of cake to you!People you should become friends with: You should be able to become a good friend to almost everyone, however I would recommend becoming friends with the less talkative people such as Hinata, Sasuke or Gaara because your reliable and friendly personality could mean a lot to them.Hinata is shy, but you might be able to make her open up a little.It's harder with Sasuke and Gaara because both of these boys have dealt with painful pasts. But it shouldn't be impossible for you to reach them.People you should AVOID: Annoying factors such as Jiraiya and Gai-sensei.IMPORTANT: If you want to view the other possible results, you have to highlight them to see the whole text. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/30/07:
oohhhh... pretty picture....
Result Posted on 12/26/07:
Hella yes! XD
Result Posted on 12/22/07:
What Does Your Inner Anime Beauty Look Like? (Girls Only)
Result Posted on 12/16/07:
Heh! :D sweeetttt!
Result Posted on 11/03/07:
Result Posted on 11/03/07:
hell yes d=(o.o)z
Anime world. Who would you be you're looks personality and more
 your the tough girl!! you are a soldier or a stree fighter of somesot. Usually getting in the wierdest situations you stay calm and collected. Never freaking ou no mather what. rebelious usually listen o only your captain. He's like your ideal. You're calm and sarcatsic as well as hyper sometimes Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/24/07:
O_O whoa
What Greek Myth are you?
 You are IcarusIcarus (Greek: Ἴκαρος, Latin: karos, Etruscan: Vicare) is a character in Greek Mythology. Icarus' father, Daedalus attempted to escape his prison at the hands of King Minos. Daedalus fashioned a pair of wings for himself and his son, made of feathers and wax. Before they took off from the prison, Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, as the wax would melt. Overcome by the sublime feeling that flying gave him, Icarus soared through the sky joyfully, but in the process came too close to the sun, which melted his wings. Icarus fell into the sea, the area which bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an island southwest of Samos Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/21/07:
What Fairy Are You And What the Other Fairies Think of You?
 Your name is Taya and you're the fairy of fire!!(SE:Fire ROCKS!!)You are short tempered, strong willed, kinda nice, and a good friend.You love to play with fire and hang with your friends.Aqua(water fairy):she's really nice to me, she also sticks up for me, and we're great friends!!! May(air fairy):I HATE her so much!!!!!!!!!Tara(earth fairy):You do not want to be around her when she is angry but other than that we're great friends! Luna(fairy of darkness):she's strong.Must defeat her.Stella(fairy of light):my sister is right she IS strong.Friends:Aqua And Tara.Enemies:May and Luna. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/20/07:
WAHAHAHA! Zell's awesome! XD
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