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in a tissue box
Member Since
Me, Myself and I
Real Name
Yvonne and u can call me Rikku or Fanadic too
stuff o.o
Anime Fan Since
foreva and eva and eva
Favorite Anime
Final Fantasy - Kingdom Hearts - Bleach - Naruto - DNAngel - FullMetal Alchemist - Pokemon - Digimon - Rozen Maiden - Rurouni Kenshin - Shaman King - Tsubasa Chronicles - .Hack
i gotta lot =O
draw, listen to music and space out =O
i play clarinet, draw, annoy people, and get hit in the head or hit other people in the head
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/14/06: scary but alright
What is your true blood color?
 Black blood! Depressed and hurt. You are not evil, but you know that ther isn't only sunshine on earth. You are very loyal, wise and concealed. You have the blood of the dead ones, you're a true soul! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/12/06:
i guess its right..
What's in your heart? (8 detailed answer + anime pics)
 Loneliness is in your heart. You don't like people, and that's just the way you like it, although sometimes you feel like you want to be accepted into society. You like to just sit alone and ponder your thoughts, maybe writing or drawing or something creative. It's you creative outlet, instead of socialising. You're probably quite an emotional person, and you've loved and lost. Not pleasant. Your Element: Ice Your stone: Blue Diamond Your Past: As I said, you've loved and lost and you haven't taken it well. Your crush probably left you standing in the centre of a laughing crowd, humiliated, so you'd much rather stay away from everyone now. Or maybe you have family troubles or something, it's hard to say, but there's something that's gone on, which makes you want to crawl under a rock and disappear. Your Future: Possible. I mean, it's possible that it might turn out better than what it is now. You could end up finding what you want, and living happily ever after, but chances of that happening are as slim as it not happening. But with some luck and good timing you might find a good friend, or more. What you want out of life: I'm really not sure. Acceptance? Healing? Understanding? I don't know. It's something that's hidden deep inside you, and (I think I'm right in saying this, but) you're not sure either. You're lost and alone, and just want something more. Please rate and message. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/12/06:
What is your true Element?
 Your element is Electricity. It is ruled by the afternoon, summer, destruction, power, and hearing. Your animal is the serpent, and your color is silver. You are known as an omen of power and storms. Electricity often colides with the fire element, though appears through Water Elements. It is not a true Element, but a sort of cross between all other elements. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/12/06:
the quizzes i take are almost always true o.o;; its scary man!!!
What is your Element? (gorgeous anime pics and accurate answers)
 You are EarthAn Earth hand is a photographer's hand. You are practical, solid, sensible, level headed, hard working, dependable, emotionally stable, impatient, highly creative, outdoorsy, physical, and down to earth. You take a no-nonsense approach to life and you have keen insight and great manuel dexterity. You enjoy wide-open spaces and are a country mouse. Your eligible occupations include photography, art, and music. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/09/06:
pretty colors...
Result Posted on 11/09/06:
true everyone stares at my 5 minute drawings like it took an hour or something
It's back to school! What subject are you? Anime pics
Result Posted on 11/09/06:
(> '.')>
Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!]
 Your Japanese name should be'Aki' which means "autumn". You can be compared with autumn, the way the autumn weather changes, is how your feelings change. You have these mood swings you can't control; one moment you're happy, the next you're feeling almost depressed. You're probably sensitive and creative. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/09/06:
What type of person is drawn to you? (Amazing anime pics!)
 Lost: The relationship began alright, but either someone was desparate, somebody had too high of expectations, secrets, or one of you two was fake. It could still be turned around, the problem probably is you two don't know what you really want or what you are searching for. Time can sometimes work this out, but it it is very important for both of you to work together to pull this thing out of the gutter. Stop thinking about the future so much and relise that the it is already here. Make sure you want the best for the other person and the relationship has a chance to mend itself. Accept that person for being them and relise that they are the very best, perfect or not. You found each other by fate and loved that something about them, yet you never really knew what it was. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/09/06:
wow...howd they know?
 | You scored as Angel protector. Your a protecter, and angel who protects others, keeping them safe from evil.
Your kind and giving but hopefully someone doesnt make you to mad...
You would sacrifce yourself to save other inocent people, you are brave and trong in will.
Broken Angel | | 100% | Angel protector | | 100% | Rath Angel | | 88% | Secret Angel | | 75% | Human | | 75% |
~~What Type Of Angel Are You?~~ created with | |
Result Posted on 11/09/06:
o wow..itz pretty much true.. and i did enjoy the anime fruits basket!!
What Dose your Birth Month say about you(pretty anime pics)?
 MarchTrustworthy most people come to you with there secrets.Your love for life makes you outgoing and cheerful.You have a great sense of humor.Loves peace and serenity.Tends to be moody.Your soul reflects:Respect,desire and generosity.Your Flowers:Daffodil and JondillYour Precious Gem:AquamarineYour Colors:White and Light BlueAn anime you might enjoy:Fruits Basket Take this quiz!
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