hey thanks for coming hope you enjoy^^
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your profile.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
well to start off i want to say sorry for the absence of me being here, but i have good news i am finally finished moving. I now proudly live in Wyoming. YAY!!!! it has been interesting living on my own i thought it would be easy and i thought i was ready but in reallity i was not and am still not but i am surviving and am going to be ok in the end. Well on the lighter side of things i now work as a chef part time and at a camp for childeren. I will soon be starting as a full time cook. So for all of my freinds i am deeply sorry and do want u to know that i have missed u all and cant wait to hear from u lol later. -Paul
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Saturday, December 8, 2007
hey sorry is been so dam long lol well its good to be back!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
well prom is in two weeks and i cant wait! i already have my suite and i am going in a 1994 Ford Mustang, Red, ragtop. Its going to be sweet!
well i should have a new poem posed in another couple of days.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
new poem
I feel the spray of mist upon my face
and I hear a gull caw overhead
as I stand and stare at own reflection
fading away in the leaving tide.
I stand and stare ,silently,
as the next crashing wave hits my chest,
again it begins to leave pulling, calling to me
begging me to come and vanish benith its amber waves.
But i must denie this temtatious request
to head for home to my beauty best,
to live and to laugh
to love and to cry.
well hi every one I am open for sugestions beacus it has no name.
for that is where I plane to die.
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