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yaoi town^^
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fangirl and student
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ya ya
finding yaoi and a life yay me!! and being exactly like my cousin
Anime Fan Since
it got invented
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gravitation and naruto
getting my soccer trophy
watching tv,annoying my cousin
soccer,and being a pest
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
sry I havent been on on sunday I had to pack my clothers for the USA tour my family is going on for june so yea I went to talahassee for monday-today we are now at my uncle's house in Atlanta,Georgia so the whole day on the road and that made my thigh muscles cramp up cause I'm to move eveery 30 mins or so but I didn't so they hurt T^T um well in talahassee we went to to seminole university or watever the place is so big!!!!!!!!!well that's all wat bout yall?
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
hi ppl
MY MOOD: ok yesterday afternoon was so emotional for me cause I was watching this anime that was awesome at the begining but at the last 2 episodes got really sad and I was crying all the way through them I had to pause it and cry on the chair for a while then I went to sleep and was crying bout it in my sleep too and now when I woke up this morning I have puffy eyes from crying so much and its so annoying well that's all I gonna watch carttons now...I haven't watched pinky and the brain in a long time o.O sry I'm random today^^ tis all wat bout u?
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Friday, June 1, 2007
HELLO EVERYONE HAPPY GAY PRIDE DAY!!!!I was listening to 106.7 when I hurd it *I no it's not spelt right*so yea happy gay day ^^ hwere red to sho' ur w/e ness for homosexual ppl I no I am ok well bye
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
B-DAY...not mine...
ok today is my dad's birthday this is the 2nd time of year other than thanksgiving and chrismas that we settle ur differences and talk to each other ^^' we going out and I'm gonna eat up a storm causing them to go dry...*like a always do*ehehe!but whatever now I just gonna do ranndom things unless someone calls me then I can call and do random things^^
1.whens ur dad's B-DAY? u like doing random things?
p.s. I love u friends^^
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Monday, May 28, 2007
its a monday again and nothin to do again well here's a puzzle I already know wat it is but watever try if u dare!!!!!!bye ppl
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
MY MOOD: I'm bored now I can't go into the pool T^T I so unhappy now *signs*ah well,does anyone know papa to kiss in the dark? its yaoi :) *sings* yaoi makes the world go around ^^ it does
1.can u go in the pool?
2.I'm bored
3.*hugglez friends*

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Thursday, May 24, 2007
how is u?!?!
tis u n is summer and sista gotta watch some anime so got any u would like to care with me? I got 1f some of u haven't watched it its called
yamato nadeshiko shichi henge and its also called perfect girl evolution and wall of flowers if u haven't watched it then ur missing out on plenty of laughs oh and just so u know the last episodes of them are raw meaning no subs but its being worked out so yea well bye bye I gonna watch bleach annd finish off kyou kara maou ^^
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
1st day
oh *sign*today is awesome I went out the breeze was in my hair it was so refreshing ^////^ so good but now I'm typing,babysitting,and was talking on the phone with loraine oh and homar88
jenanime101 does go to my school I donno her much
cause I only have lunch with her cassie introduced us once but we don't talk...
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
ok my sis is all gone to north florida to check out her college and I'm really happy causee my dad brought her so he's gone too and on the same day my cuz had her baby boy so now aaliyah has a baby bro she was brushing his hair saying "cute baby" oh and I got to hold him he's so hugable even tho it was for 45 secs or less and he's so tiny then we left the room and my dad called to say he can't get in his hotel room so we had to take care of that too now aaliyah is over our house cause he dad had work oh ya and MY LAST DDAY OF SCHOOL TIL AUGUST!!!if my mom remembers to pic me up I can skip Mrs.callins class ^^ and go to the hospital again oh and how r yall?
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Monday, May 21, 2007
tis almost summer YAY!! oh and that stupid song I was talking bout is this one
Is this how pain feels when you lost somebody special?Like your struck out and all alone in this world.Thinking you got no meaning in life and wanna commit suicide!Hurting yourself everyday and night!!!!
Well I'm here to tell you that you gotta shape up and end all of this fuss!So stop that drinking and stop that smoking and harming yourself!Just look up to the heavens and ask for forgivness for all the things you done.And live your life anew.
Is this how hate feels when you feel dark inside?
Like you wanna kill like you wanna die when you never even thought of living your life?When all you want is sombody,but too afraid to let them in,cause your in fear of them!
Well I'm here to tell you,you gotta shape up and end all of that fuss right now!And open your eyes and see that your needed in the light then try to realize you got people on your side!Try and try and try again just to realize that the place for you is right here throught the light
so wat do u think?!?!its horrible isn't it I'm just bored so I did that but truthfull y wat u think
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