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Sunday, May 20, 2007
*amen* I was gonna post this song I made up but I donno u might hate it cause well its stupid and stuff..don't ask me y I said that cause I donno why either oh and I'm back from church it when how it normally when we sang praise ans worship then everyone got in the spirit *including me ^^'*and we got deliverance u no the usual...well 4 my church that iz oh and I'm gonna say it again UNTIL TUESDAY NO SCHOOL BABY!!!tis all wat bout ur sundays how did it go?!?
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I'm in a hurry casue its almost time to get going 4 church so I'll make this breif UNTIL TUESDAY NO SCHOOL BABY!!!YAHOOOOOOO!!!!that is all...I will upday around 6:30 if I don't go to church again or when I come back from church *waves*bye bye
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Friday, May 18, 2007
You dont have to repost this...and i didnt put it up to annoy people...i just thought it was interesting to read not to use as a chain letter...just read it...dont worry about posting it or sending it...
Body: DOnt stop reading this or something VERY BAD will happen to you in exactly 5 hours and 22 minutes. This is extremely freaky. Be careful what you open.
During a thunderstorm ...
Beth: Hey Ben! Sup?
Ben: Uhhh ... nothing much about to go to a party ... haha you?
Beth: Haha nice ... uhhh just staying in for the night.
Ben: I have this huge favor to ask you ...
Beth: Yeah ... what?
Ben: Can you please come over and watch my brother John for me? I won't be able to go if no one watches him.
Beth: Ughh ... well ....
Ben: Please Beth!
Beth: *Sighs* Alright. I'll be over in a few minutes.
A few minutes later, Beth arrives at Ben's house.
Ben: Hey, thanks so much!
beth: Hehe. No problem. By the way, you look really nice.
Ben: Thanks! Anyways, here's my number. Call me in about an hour and tell me how everything is, okay?
Beth: Alright, bye!
Then Ben left. Beth headed over to John.
Beth: Hey sport!
John: Hi Beth ... I'm really scared ...
Beth: Awww ... don't be. I'm here. Lets turn on some T.V.
As Beth walked over to the T.V. , the lights suddenly shut out. John freaked out and screamed!
Beth: John, it's okay. I have a flashlight. Hold on, one second. Darn it! The flashlight doesn't work! Uhmmm ... okay, okay, lets go up to your brother's room. I think he has an extra one.
John: *mumbles* okay.
As Beth and John headed up towards Ben's room, they heard a creepy laughter that brought chills up their spines.
John: *screams* What was that?!
Beth: John stop doing that. Let me call your brother and ask where the flashlight is.
John: But I didn't ... *Johns voice started to fade away ...*
Beth: Hey Ben! How's the party?
ben: Good, thanks! Listen I got to go. Can I call you in 5 minutes?
Beth: Sure. But where's the flashlight in your room?
Ben: Oh, uhmmm ... it's under my bed, to the left. I think.
Beth walks over to Ben's bed and screams.
Beth: Oh my God!
ben: What happened?!
beth: Oh, hahah. Nothing, I didn't know you had a clown statue in your bedroom. It scared me half to death Especially the bloody knife on its hand. It looks so real! Where did you get it? Did you get it at the Halloween store?
Ben: Beth ... I don't have a clown statue in my bedroom.
The line quickly goes dead. Ben started panicing and raced home as fast as he can. When he got home, he ran into his bedroom, where Beth and John were no where to be seen. He saw his brother lying on his bed.
Ben: *rolls his eyes and said to himself* I can't believe Beth would play such an awful trick on me.
He went and sat down at his computer and pulled up myspace. He went into his myspace account and checked his bulletins. He noticed that he had a random new friend. The profile picture was a freaky clown face. That made him freak out a bit. Then he saw that the mysterious clown friend had posted a bulletin called "Clowning Around". Ben opened the bulletin and started to read it. This was the same bulletin that he saw last night about a clown who kills people. He got freaked out and didn't repost it.
Trembling, he got in his bed, next to his brother and kissed his cheek good night
You can sleep here with me tonight, Sport. Good night.
Suddenly, the figure in the bed turned to ben.
Clown: Now it's your turn.
Ben let out a high pitch screamed and the clown killed him. After the job was done, the clown threw Ben under the bed along with Beth and John.
If you don't repost this in the next 10 minutes, the clown will appear by your bed tonight, while you're sleeping and the same ending will happen to you.
When you repost this "(name of your school's) 'slut list'. This isn't a joke its REAL
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yesterday I broke from my bf so I'm free of everything our parents had 4 each other in "the future"they say I'm happy and sad cause he kinda didn't desirve that u should have seen his eyes I wanted to beat up myself after that but I don't wanna so yea but we still hang out not as much tho well that is all wat bout u?
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
yesterday we lost to the teachers in the rematch I'm disappointed but not gonna act like a sore loser and get a rematch ontop of a rematch and its now 8:18 so I gonna watch more yaoi and go to the bus so dorifuta- TAKE THAT!!! *amen* that is all so how r u?
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
me back
ok my sister's grauation was ok my dad told me to not bring a jacket but he was a lier it was in the cold tv water house and that place was big too T^T oh and get this after my sis came and met us to say that she was gonna go to dinner with friends I put on her white graduation uniform and this man came up to me and said congratulations and my grandma was like thank u and I was just standing there oh and my sis isn't back yea either and its like OMG 8:51 I GOTTA GO TO THE BUS STOP BYE
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I'm gone
um I'm gonna be gone 4 all night I think ,today today iz my sisters graduation until she goes to college so yea gonna be gone...soo uh bye
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
queeny321 is now deleted so this my new site and I happy with it I'm gonna be pming everyone in my friends list O_O so yea lots of friggin messages gonna come if I don't check everyday so um bye 4 now
-sexy bitch XD
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
so yea this is da site I gonna be on ok pplz?!?! just so ya'll know ok yea peace
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
I adopted a chibi! ^.^

Name: dark
Likes: me and daisuke
Dislikes: everyone else
Owner: fangurl101
Click here to adopt a chibi too!
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