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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

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Guestbook Entries:

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TwoMoons (12/22/06)

Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my GB and adding me i came to return the favor. I like your site also, you have a blog!? I WANT A BLOG!? cant ever get one, maybe you can show me how, anyway i love ur site, i will add u. Until then, farewell.


Elika san (12/15/06)

Hello There!

Im Elika.
Ohh god Miyavi..
I soo love your site.
its amazing.. *nods*
Hmmm Can i add you??
( . _ .)???
Well Later.. ok..


Lytjuh (12/14/06)

hey there ^^
thanks for coming to my site and actually commenting on my post ^^ amazing that you read it all *laughs*
I just thought that I should come and check your site out and it's gorgeous!!
I see you're a member of the Assassin Clan ^^ I can't be one, cause I keep attacking The Assassin with ninjas hehe ^^"
anywho, I will add you to my friends and I hope to see you around ^^

*bows* greetings

hollow eyes (12/14/06)

Hi, how's it going?!? well I hope you did't or don't mind me adding you as a friend I just stumbled upon your site and noticed how much we were kinda alike and though maybe we would get to know one another or just chat or start off as friends or what-not!!! you seem pretty cool and just a all around to self type person with few friends as myself... well I'm rambling and probably seem stupid or not an alright type of person to conversate with but I'll add you and hope you do the same and then later hear/read from you later... see ya around maybe...

hollow eyes

demon dragon (12/14/06)

helllooo fantasy hearts!!
I saw your signing on my friend blue's site so i thought ill jump over here and say hi ^^
The site changes are still in progress, yeah? but it looks soo cool! cant wait for the completion! XD
*pokes tongue out* I know how to speak japanese AND i went to japan this year!!
well, hope you stop by sometime and sign my gb back!
Im also adding ya as a bud!


Mr. Cloud (12/12/06)

Hey thanks alot for stopping by and signing my gb. *bows* it means alot ^_^ i'll add u 2 see ya

--> Mr. Cloud

Magnus Lensherr (12/07/06)


Great site you have here i love the backgroudn you have chosen and the name! ~ Looska t the blood ~ Yep fantastic (sorry gore rocks in my mind lol)

Ahh you seem to be obsessed with Japan at the moment ~ Grins ~ Very sensible! It is a great place! I love Japanese music as well and roleplaying ~ Laughs ~ Neat!

Well i hoep that we can be friends and exchange comments you seem liek a really great person!

Take care and ill see youa round!

Only Darkness Will Live On For Eternity

Shelby oftheSand (12/05/06)

oh wow! I love your site! It's so beautiful! ^_^ Please com visit sometime! ^_^ I love your name to! "Fantasy Hearts" lol. why didn't i think of that one? ^_^ XD lol jk jk jk. but yea. come visit! Shall I add you as a friend? okies beybeys! ^_^ *hugs* lol §helby ofthe§and

rayn fall (12/04/06)

hello nice site, feel free to pm me

hotttceresmaiden (12/03/06)

Hi i was looking at your old site and it said i could reach you here lol. Well i like both of your sites they are awsome. hope to talk to ya sometime.

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