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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Saturday, May 5, 2007

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Today's Post ~ May 5, 2007

Hey everyone! Sorry for another long absence from Otaku!!! Well...I'm not sure how this layout looks on your screen...I've gotten a thumbs up from one person, but another person said that part of the layout is cut off or something, so those of you who are visiting, please comment whether you can see the full screen or not, mkay? It would be much appriciated!

Anywho, not much has really happened...I'm SO done with sophomore year, so luckily there's only a few more weeks left until we are out of school...

I've recently joined my church's youth group and that's been pretty fun. I'm pretty shy around people I don't know, so I'm forcing myself into this situation so that my social skills improve lol, no pain no gain, right? ;P

I'm also gonna participate in "The Race for the Cure" in Sacramento next Saturday to help raise money for breast cancer research, so that should be fun since I'm going to run with my aunt and cousin ^.^

So how has everyone else been?

~ Fantasy Hearts ~

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