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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Friday, July 20, 2007

:Time Start:
:Listening to:
{Watching Death Note episode 14}
:Current Mood:


Yaa! How are you all doing? Haha, sorry I don't post very often anymore...but I understand my posts get pretty lengthy at times, so I guess it evens out.

My Miyavi CD came in the mail a few nights ago!!! Weee! I ordered MYV*POPS, and now I personally own four Miyavi CDs just like that XDDD {I bought three at Sac Anime}

My best friend that I haven't seen in forever came and visited me at work today with her boyfriend!!! OMG I was so touched I ran to her and practically tackled her, stepping on her foot in the process *blush* I was seriously tearing up because I had missed her so much. It was wonderful: our conversation picked right up as if we had been hanging out together just the other day, and her boyfriend was really friendly as well {he's a Final Fantasy fan--woot!} and I felt very comfortable around him. I'd write more details but I don't want to bore you people *laugh* but if you're truely interested, pm me and I'll give the full story. Anywho, I'm attending her Sweet Sixteen tomorrow {bowling and sleepover} and it's gonna be a blast, I know it {even though 4 people have now flaked out on her--LAAAAAAAAAME!!}

And get this, I was giving her details on attending Sac Anime and she totally wants to go to the next convention with me! *squeak!* So the three of us {her, her boyfriend, and I} cosplaying Final Fantasy X/X-2 for Sac Con in September!!!! ^.^ I'm so happy to have come back into contact with her it makes my life so much less lonely. I drew her a picture last night for her birthday of Rikku and Yuna and I'm submitting it to my puny fan art XDD along with a moogle/chocobo fan art I promised myself weeks ago to color, yet never have XDD

Today's movie: the trailer to Death Note: The Last Name

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Oh, I am going to be changing my site to Death Note--more specifically L {most likely} because I really fell in love with the series through the movies {though yes, I know they are not very accurate in terms of the manga/anime} and am now watching the anime woot!

Everyone enjoy your weekend!

:Time End:

{Fantasy Hearts}

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