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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Saturday, February 9, 2008

:Current Site Theme:
An Cafe (a.k.a. Antic Cafe/Antique Cafe-->basically your choice xD)
:Current Site Song:
"BondS ~Kizuna~" - An Cafe *NEW SITE SONG*
kinyoubi, hachi nigatsu nisenhachinen
(Friday, 02/08/2008)
:Time Start:
:Listening To:

::tired, stressed, unsure--::
::--but moving on!::

Wow...I just realized my birthday is only a month away o-O

Happy Chinese New Year!!! (celebrated on the 7th) It's officially the year of the mouse. It was so cute, our Chinese exchange students sang a song for our good fortune this year at our school's ralley (which is the only reason why I went). They were scheduled to perform a traditional dragon dance, but the school shrugged it off to play stupid ralley games instead. Whatever.
I love it though--they all remember my name because apparently there's a super famous Chinese pop singer with the same name (beautiful picture below) and all of the students are crazy about her! I'm trying to download some of her music right now lol

I bought Hello Kitty Valentine's Day cards and candies today--they are soooo cute! I think I might buy a Valentine Gram Smoothie for my crush too, but I'm still thinking about it.

Track has been extremely tough and this week has been incredibly stressful, but I'm going to try to be more positive towards things--plus it's a three day weekend woot!

:Response to Comments (7):

Yes, I would love to learn Chinese as well...but with Chinese where do you begin since there are soooo many branches of it? I just found out the other day that a guy in track is practically fluent in Cantonese (sp?) and he's full-blooded Chinese-->How majorly cool is that?!?!? lol

:Kuroneko-sama 4:
hehehe, yesh I wuvs BondS ~Kizuna~ Nyappy!
Oh, and thank you, thank you, thank you so much for posting the two An Cafe videos on your last post!!! As I told you the one in Engrish totally made my day xD

:inkenyo 2.0:
lol, yeah I usually do my homework for one class in the period right before it xD that's how bad my procrastination can go hahaha

lolz, you enjoy procrastination??!?! I guess I do too...until the stress sets in the next morning =.=

I must agree with you, procrastination is a way of life. I've always looked forward to Valentine's Day because it's my brother's birthday ^.^ Other than that, no.

ha, by this time I even need another hair salon appointment! My bangs are getting so long I either look like an emo or some Asian horror movie zombeh o-O
Wow...your friend must be pretty popular to barely have a solo Valentine's Day this year
hehe, yes we surprisingly have a good number of exchange students, even though our high school isn't in a big city or anything. It's very nice though--> I LOVE just hearing different languages (^.^)

:Jade Ralden:
Awh, I think that would be a sweet thing for you to do for your girlfriend this Valentine's ^.^ Definately warm and fuzzy *wink*
Good luck this Valentine's!!!

:Listening To:
None (mama's asleep on the couch shhhh!)
:Time End:

|Fantasy Hearts|

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