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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Monday, September 11, 2006

   PLAY!!!! -twitch, twitch- PLAY!!!! JAPANESE!!!! -struggles to breathe- GACKT!!!! -colapses-

OMG OMG OMG!!!! I start rehearsals today! YES!!! -victory dance- I can't believe it! -squeek- I'm SOOOOO excited about this play OMG I can't even freaking tell you! ^^ For all of you peeps that don't know yet, I got cast for my high school fall play called "In a Grove" and it consists of four ancient, mythical Japanese ghost stories that tell the tale of how an entire village was completely destroyed! -que that spooky music-

OMG! I'm soooo, like, jumping up and down right now! To celebrate, I'm gonna wear my red and gold Asian silk shirt that my aunt and uncle brought me from China (they went to visit my aunt's relatives and whatnot), black dress pants, and some new Asian style jewlery I bought at Target yesturday! Yay for me! ^^ Ooo! Gonna put my hair up in a bun too with chopsticks, Yup-yup! ^^ Can you tell I'm excited yet? lol

OMG! I hope I can get the director to play Japanese songs during the pre-show and intermission and stuff! OMG!!! Gackt, Malice Mizer, Miyavi! -sigh- That would totally and completely rock my world! ^^

I CANNOT WAIT to find out what part I get! YIPES! I'm so nervious...hope I get a lead! But any part will be ubberly fantabuloso too! ^^

Wahahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!!!! Woot, woot! -turns on Gackt's "Vanilla" on full blast. Sings along- "Boku wa...Kimi no...Vanilla!" (Music solo) "Baaaaa ba da da da ba da da daaaaaaa!"

Weeeeeeeehehhehehehehehehehe!!!! ^^

~ Fantasy Hearts

P.S. I can't take it anymore!!!! Gackt it is peeps! GAKUTO--MY LOVE!!!! (Hee, hee!) ^^ Transformation will begin to occur imediately!!! So prepare thyself!!!! ^^ -drools on keyboard- (JK!!! J(the freak)K!!!!!

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