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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Friday, December 15, 2006

~Sometimes a dream is all that you have left to hold on to~

Sorry, didn't get to visit again yesturday--but I did the day before and hope to today. I've been kind of MIA, but finals are coming up, so...yeah. Gotta study.

Well, here was my Thursday in a nutshell:
~ Woke up pretty late...and still didn't feel rested (haven't been sleeping well)
~ Algebra 2: Test--the whole class thinks they've failed...which everyone probably has cuz nobody knew what they were doing during the test.
~ Honor's Chemistry: Test--it was pretty easy, as it always is. Luckily that class comes easy to me...everything just clicks.
~ Lunch: Test--yeah I know...I had to make up an Algebra 2 quiz that I had missed when I was absent a while back...
~ English: (No test, thankfully -_-' hehe)Test Review, however...and planning for our group project final thingy--oh joy! -_-

Oh yeah...I have a test in History tomorrow...shit. I didn't study either...that's gonna suck.

Plus I have finals in all of my classes next week...so basically two weeks of finals.

Hmm...what else. Oh yeah! Michael is starting to try to get friendly with me again. -_- My friends are getting concerned...he was kind of starting to stalk me before...and now he's changed his schedule so that he's in two of my classes...shit. (sorry about the language, I'm kind of stressed right now...)

Oh! I'm so happy though! (laugh) I'm making a comic! *bows* It's gonna be my Christmas card to my dear friend Liz. ^^ I'm kind of almost done too! YESSS! I might have it up later today, or tomorrow for sure. ^^ Me sooo happy with it so far! Haha, didn't think I had it in me, but yup...

Oh! I've finished changing my theme for now--MIYAVI-KINS!!! *cheers* Haha, I've been especially enjoying his music on the ride home from school, even though I only have about 12 songs of his *sniffle* but yeah. Hope you guys like it. ^^ Still not sure if I'll change my site to a Christmas theme or not...not much time left so probably not.

Mkay, I've talked enough for one day--sorry.

~ Fantasy Hearts

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