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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Monday, December 18, 2006

~Sometimes a dream is all that you have left to hold on to~

Quick post again tonight (yeah, it's late, I know -_-')

Hehe, I had a record on my last post though! A wopping 12 comments for me! WOOT! ^^ Thank you sooo much! I love all of you guys! ^^

Well...in other news...I'm hitting kind of a low again...

I just get so stressed and lonely and mad at myself and depressed and--ugh! -_- I result to doing things that aren't all that healthy for my body either...

Yesturday (it's still Monday for me right now)....December 17th *sigh* 4th month anniversary of the disapearance of a prince...but unlike a princess, he has no glass slipper to obtain a clue from...to chase after...and I hate myself all the more because I keep hoping for the happily ever after that's never coming...

~ Fantasy Hearts

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