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myOtaku.com: Fantasy Hearts

Monday, January 8, 2007

~In a world of magic and wonder your amount of courage and wisdom is but your only limit~

Hello to Monday! ^^ lol, I'm going to the movies today with a friend! We're gonna see "Codename: The Cleaner" lol, it looks soooooo funny! ^^

Well, might be having some friend trouble. >< My close internet friend was acting a lot stranger than usual last night and our new internet friend did something totally stupid!! (as boys often do, no offense) To try to snap her out of it, he came up with the BRILLIANT idea to tell her "I love you" and she responded "really? me too" so ugh! I asked him in a private convo if he really did love her, and he said he loved the old her--but that he's scared of how she was acting last night...so hopefully she was just overly hyper or something last night. >< Oh dear...we really don't want her heart broken, either of us...but we don't know why she suddenly started acting this way!!! ><

Oh! For those who might have wondered yesturday, I have seen Moon Child before. ^^ My favorite part is when Sho (Gackt) is bringing flowers to Yi-chen and he slowly drops them in the gutter because his friends are there too lol--Oh oh!! And then he spits out his drink when she brings out a vase to the table carrying the flowers he had bought her. Sooooo adorible!!!

1. What time did you go to bed last night/this morning? lol
Umm...2 a.m. cuz I knew I wasn't gonna be able to sleep again, so why lay in bed for 8 hours again?

2. What was the last movie you watched? (theaters or at home, doesn't matter which)
Titanic *blush* Hey it was my first time ever watching it okay!!! It won 11 Academy Awards and I was getting hounded at school last semester for not seeing it before, so there *sticks out tongue*

3. Do you believe that "fairy tale endings" really happen in real life?
Used to...but not anymore.

~ Fantasy Hearts

3| | |For those interested: Teh Code To Meh First Button!| | |4

< a href= http://www.myotaku.com/users/fantasy_hearts/ > < img src="http://i52.photobucket.com/albums/g34/FantasyHearts/fhbuttonunderline.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" > < /a >

(just eraese all of the spaces between the "<" and ">")

I'd also love to collect all of my friend's buttons! So if you'd like to send me the code to your own, or need help making one, just pm me. ^^

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