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myOtaku.com: Faroe

Sunday, August 1, 2010

   Why are you doing this???

Oh my goodness. So Israel is mad at me AGAIN. Today I was at work and I called him on my lunch. All was going fine until I told him to hold on for a moment while I help someone get out a door. I put the phone on mute (because I was going to shove it in my purse and I didn't want there to be a bad noise for him to hear) and he hangs up. I call him back when I'm done not even two minutes later and he gets mad at me cause I put him on mute. He thinks I lied to him so I could talk to someone for a minute. And now he wont return my texts or anything.... What is his deal? I told him I didn't mean to offend him and I wouldn't do that again. He said and I quote "you don't know what fucking offends me Brittany". (yes that's my real name). Whenever someone uses the F-word to me, I want to cry so bad. He then hung up after saying good-bye. and then yeah.... I finished work contemplating on what I should do about this problem. What is wrong with Israel? I have never known him to be like this and ever since we started dating he gets on me for things. I don't even know why. He sends me things and he says he loves me but.... why does he do this? Will he always be like this? I'm afraid to speak up sometimes in fear he may get mad at how I feel about the way he's been acting and leave. Oh I hate this feeling....

But let's push away from that. I don't want to think about that right now. He gets off of work at nine. Maybe he will text? Anyway, today work was dull but I met a few new cashiers and they are so nice. I hope we can be good work buddies! lol I talked with an older cashier named Laura and she told me such a sad story about how her husband died in a car accident. He was drunk and it was his birthday and they were both fighting. He never came home that night and found out about the accident and he was DOA at the hospital... I couldn't stop thinking about Israel. I wanted to not be angry with him and I wanted him to not be mad at me. I hate leaving on bad terms. What if he got into an accident??? He is so far away from me how could I get to him. I was about to cry and she was like "Stop looking like that! You look so sad!" I just couldn't help it....

Okay, so, now is the time I reply back to some of you all. GM, I will go check out your wallpaper as soon as I can. I know I will like it too!!! And Angel, Israel is my boyfriend... I just hope he stops acting like a jerk. A13 I do hope your leg gets better soon. Shadowme I hope you feel better too! And CrystalFlute WHERE ARE YOU!!!!

Oh I finally have some pictures to show you of my awesomely splendid time at Bush Gardens. I have a few pictures but I hope you like them!










Okay so that's the end of the pictures. I had more but it's taking to long to load. A storm is on it's way to night. Thank goodness. Maybe my house will cool down tonight.

Take care everyone. I hope you all are doing well and loving life. I will post again soon.!!!

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