Ugh, i had to go to the hospital the other night for serious intestinal problems. The doctors said I was fine but because I have Ulcerative Colitis, There is bleeding higher up in the intestines and now I need to go se my Gastroenterologist on October 20th. I cant believe they make me that so far away with an appointment when I am really sick. I think that is annyoing and bad. I really hope I can handle all of this by next month. Which is coming like by tomorrow? Yeah it is.....
So anyway, yesterday I stayed home and rested in bed. My body hurts so bad and I want my flare up to go away. I think it's stress, and other eating factors and possibly sleep factors that has made this flare up so bad.
But anyway, lets move on. How are you guys doing today? I've been.... well you all know how I have been. Life is going well. I have been just chilling and putting out job applications online. Next stop is Publix and Walgreens. I hope I get a job by next week. I really would like to have the extra money in my pocket ya know?
Lol so I hear this girl talking about DNA and i so totally know what she is talking about however, the way she is explaining it, I think i can do better. She isn't explaing well about the 5' and 3' ends and that it is a double helix. She is calling it three and five end insted or three and five prime and she is sayings it's like a double highway not double helix. lol I think English is her second language. Oh well. As long as I know what it's all about. I just feel bad for the girl she is tutoring. I think the tutor just wants to be able to talk and show off how much she knows compared to the other girl. I hate tutors like that!!!! Especially if I have to pay them. Has anyone had a tutor like that or had a classmate do taht to you? Ugh it's absolutly annoying!!!
Ugh I feel so dehydrated today. I need to grab a water bottle. But the more water I drink the worse my condition is..... I can't win!!!
So today my theme in pictures is fruit!!!
Kind of random but hey fruit is awesome!!!! Now, I must tale my leave. I hae class in thirty minutes and I need to go get that water and have a 20 minte bathroom break. uuuugggghhhhh I hope my voleyball coach will let me sit this class out without penalty. I hope soooooo!!!! Anyway, later on I will comment more. I did a few now and I will make sure to get the rest of you later. I hope you are all doing well. Take care!