Hello all!!! How are you guys doing today? ^_^ I have been doing very well but I feel very very very tired. I went to bed at like midnight and had to wake up at seven. UGH Bad hours. I will be at school pretty much until seven and it's eight in the morning right now.
I have a busy schedule lined up this week.
Monday: Go to school and make dinner tonight
Tuesday:Sleep in and get some extra studies done then go to social security office to get social security card. Must write vollyball essay
Wednesday: School all day from 9 am to 9 pm
Thursday: Paperwork for pre-employment at Publix at 10 am
Friday:Enjoy the day off! (probably my last)
Saturday: Orienatation at Publix for five hours
Sunday: Orientation at Publix for four hours
Well, there goes my full weekend! Pretty busy huh? Well, not so busy but still, alot to get done. I feel the wheels moving again. yay! All I need now is $1,500 to get Israel a lawyer to help save him from owing people an ungodly amount a money to a bunch of bitches. Other than that, I'm getting things done.
I hope everyone is doing well today. I noticed a lot of people have been busy. I haven't heard from a lot of friends on here. But I am sure you guys will be back soon. Just take care and know that I'm thinkin bout ya!
I'm gonna get going now. Class starts real soon and I left my book at home! Ugh this means I really gotta take good notes. I get my final in microbe class (the written one) back today! I wonder how I did. Hmmmm....Okay! Take care!