HeYooooo!!!!! I hope you enjoyed the first trip! It was oh so relaxing to stay at the Loyalty Islands for a while. Now we gotta catch our plane to the closest place to the Islands..... JAPAN!!!
I guess thats what Japan looks like at night..... Yay!!!!

The origins of Japanese civilization are buried in legend. February 11, 660 BC is the traditional founding date of Japan by Emperor Jimmu Tenno. This however is a version of Japanese history from the country's first written records dating from the 6th to the 8th centuries, after Japan had adopted the Chinese writing system. In this period several emperors were struggling for power. In order to make legitimate their claims to the throne, they commissioned collections of poems containing a mythological inheritance of power from the sun-goddess Amaterasu (still the most venerable deity in the Shinto pantheon), via her grandson Ninigi to Jimmu Tenno, who was claimed to be an ancestor of the ruling imperial family. This propaganda-myth was taken up again by 19th century historians and used as a fundamental pillar of Japan's nationalistic Kokutai ideology.
More reliable are Chinese sources, which describe a country "Wa" ruled by various family-clans, adhering to their respective clan-deities. Recent anthropological studies suggest immigration from Siberia via Korea and/or Polynesia to be the ancestors of the earliest settlers in Japan.

Here is a map to Japan. Or just a picture of the country.

And don't forget that Japan made the anime!

Naruto seems happy!
Okay well, thats it for Japan. Next we are gonna go to the country that my grandma met my Grandad. Greece!
See you next time!
Oh and nothing much with me. I got two new gundam SEED soundtracks and the box set Vol. 1 to Gundam SEED.
Have a great day everyone!
See you laterz!