Hey everyone! Faroe is back again! Yay! I'm so happy to be back. I guess the weather has cleared up for now.I have a serious question you guys..... Can someone check up on what you are doing on the internet in the library if someone checks it up on your library card?
My mom says she is gonna check up on the places that I go and if I get caught on the MyOtaku, I won't be able to ever go back to the library ever again. Or just not on the internet. It's not fair. It's really not fair at all.
Well, anyways, not much has happend today. I read a manga called "Demon Diaries". Has anyone ever heard of it? It's actually not that bad. It's kinda funny! *laughs*
Sooooooooooooo...... tell me what has been going on with you guys? Anything exciting, new, boring, stupid, cool, happy, sad, lame, COME ON PEOPLE I WANNA KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! *calms down* Sorry, it's just that I feel so out of place now at the MyO. I used to be so loved here and now I feel so lame.
Well, looks like I better get going... I'm gonna visit some friends. So I hope I will write back soon.... That is if I'm allowed to come back.....
See you Laterz....(hopefully)
Oh and if you could be dears, Do you think you can visit my forum that has fallen apart on me... It's an Role-playing site where you can be anything you want to do with adventure or something like that. Could you tell people about it please?
Enchanted Sanctuary
Thank you!