Birthday • 1982-12-17 Gender •
Male Location • Chicago Member Since • 2006-01-30
Achievements • In grad school! WAO Anime Fan Since • Early '90s. Favorite Anime • Musashi Gundoh. Goals • A university teaching gig! Hobbies • Reading Heidegger. Talents • Not really. Fasteriskhead
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Style change, Rorty.
I changed the style a little bit. Yuki and the pink had to go.
Some of you may already know, but a few days ago Richard Rorty, one of the grand old men of American philosophy, died. I'm a little hesitant to post this video about him (it's not really very good - and it's not alone, since I think a good documentary of this style has yet to be made), but I'll go ahead anyways.
Like just about everyone, I have my disagreements with Rorty (if anyone's life was devoted to provoking dissent, it was him). I do not find him all that interesting as a positive, creative thinker in his own right - but as an interpreter of the tradition, he was one of the best. And if nothing else, the guy was an icon of intellectual honesty and courage, and one of the great humanists of the 20th century (the first mark of American thought, from Emerson to Fuller to DuBois to Dewey: humanism).