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myOtaku.com: Fathom

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Hello there! My name is Fathom. Well... Fathom is my assassin name. Kiri Kirichacha is my real name... unfortunately. But since since Kiri Kirichacha is the lamest name EVER... I changed it to Fathom. I have a HUGE family. There's Lucien, Samantha, Shinju, Kade, Moxie, Jonjo, Penelope, and Tanyanita. Yes... that is my family. Pretty big. I always call them... about 10 times a day. I love my family! WAAAAAAH!!!!! And now we've all got jobs as assassins. Lucien kills evil people planning world domination, Samantha, Shinju, and Kade kill groups of other assassins, Moxie and Jonjo specialize in killing people in their sleep, and Penelope and Tanyanita specialize in killing leaders while they make speeches infront of their millions of followers and then fleeing the scene. But enough about my family... I am short, I have long red hair, and always wears a fireproof red tunic so I don't burn myself when i'm spinning fire. I am known as Fathom of the Wilfdire.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

   Fathom is BACK, Bitches!
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Monday, December 4, 2006

   I'm baaaaaaack!
I haven't been on for a million, bazillion years, but i'm BACK! And i'm going to post my manga really soon!
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Thursday, November 9, 2006

   I'm bored.
My life has been so un-exciting lately. I have nothing to write about.
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