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Member Since
school, drawing
Real Name
Umm...we'll stick to Faye
drawing better than last year?
Anime Fan Since
4th grade
Favorite Anime
Oh come on! You expect me to choose?
finish my comic (Twenty-Two) ~ well, actually it's been put back under reconstruction so I guess getting to college is the next best thing.
DRAWING(shimer shimer) & collecting swords or other sharp objects (glimmer glimmer)
drawing anime
Hewo all! This is Faye022 giving a shout out to all the peeps from Anime Oasis 2005! I love you guys! Because of that convention my life has never been thee same. Now I have something to look forward to all year long! Next year at Anime Oasis DX I'm cosplaying as a Kingdom Hearts 2 Fan Girl for my cosplay group! Can't wait!

give Faye022 more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Today my Japanese 3 class went downtown to Shige's Japanese resaurant! Even all 23 of us couldn't finish our meals. lol I ordered a bento boxand it had chicken katsu, giyouzas, shrimp and vegitable tempura, 8 sushi rolls (Californian). Oishi! *licks lips* Oh! I also ordered their green tea icecream. It was good but the last time I was there they had deepfried it and it tasted better. Oh well. I felt sortof bad for my friend, Ashley. She ate waaay too much. She had a full chicken katsu meal with 3 bowls of rice, 3 glasses of Coke, and some Giyouza. It was rather funny to see her cringe when she saw food after that.
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Friday, December 1, 2006
This week has felt like blah. At the same time it feels like it was a hectic week. I had to give a 4 min. speach in my Japanese class today. I realized as I was taking a test in my 1st period class that I left my speach at home. Every second I had after that I spent writing like a mad woman. I did finish it in time to present 4th or 5th so all is good. Just before I went up I felt all fine and dandy but as I hung up my poster I got jittery. ^~^ I passed out my treate for everyone and stumbled the whole way. Oh well, my friends and the teacher liked my little story time at the end. lol
Well have a great weekend all! XD
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Well I don't know about you all but I'm freak'n excited that today is Halloween! The bad thing is that today I have Driver's Ed. Y_Y
Yes, I'm 17 and taking DE. I'm pretty sure that I am the oldest kid in the class too. How embarassing. Sounds bizarre that I would take this class this late in life but it's really just because I haven't had a car available to me to practice in. *sigh* Oh well, I'll just have to bust out seinority on those 15 yr-olds. LOL J/K
I'll just have to make the best of it. After all, I don't want to be the crazy person on the road who doesn't know what they are doing. Probably the best part is that Savani's little brother is in the same class as me. *shakes head in shame*
Well, enough about that enjoy the holiday!! WHOOT! ^o^
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Monday, October 30, 2006
Mondai (nihongo for problem)
Well to day's a Monday which is a mondai on its own. I'm happy though cuz I am finally getting stuff done in graphic design. Plus, today is my payday! I hope I get a fair amount of moolah ^_^
After all, I did work about 5 hours overtime. Good for me I guess, no complaints. :P
What's everyone's plans for Halloween? I know I'm just handing out candy cosplaying as Kagome (newly revised cosplay. Hope you all are doing fun stuffs. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
Almost the Weekend!
Yay! I can't wait for the weekend to be here! Friday is suppose to be another anime viewing at Empyer Games and Manga. I hope Jen doesn't cancel it because of Borneo's Halloween Party. If she is still doing it I wonder what she'll play for us this time? (ponders)
Saturday is Savani's murder mystery party! I'm so excited! I'm playing the role of a 1940s secretary (kawaii <3). Savani saya I can interpret this however I see fit. Whoot! I'm going to make my charater a quiet but studious person, so cute!
Maybe if I have time, I'll be able to get together with Isha, Momo, & Georgia to finish Loveless. (I feel so bad for liking this pairing *sweat drop*) But anyone whose seen it knows what I mean. It's so pretty it hurts. Five gold stars for Loveless! ^o^
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Featured Quiz Result:
Sooo funny! I gave it a 5!
Try it!
 You are Cartoon. You're often lighthearted or funny, which is both an asset and a curse. On one hand, people enjoy your fun and hyper personality. On the other hand, you find it's hard for them to take you seriously when you're BEING serious. And you do have a serious side: a side that's often deep, bleak and twisted, but that's less well known to the general public. Your closest friends, if anyone, are the only ones who know about it.
Art Thou? -Your Art Style Personality brought to you by Quizilla
Well this gets me down to a
tee. I luv quizzes! ^ ^
 You have a Calm Soul! Being calm and cool is what you do best. You collected thoughts and always positive attitude make you very bright and logical. When theres a problem, you know how to approach it, and solve it. Your friends rely on you on their problems, and your shoulder for their crying. You are peaceful, and enjoy nature and freedom. You rarely get angry and hardly scream, which makes you good with kids. You seem to be in tune with the world and if anything goes wrong, you always bounce back.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
Wowie. That was a pretty
cool quiz. sadly it fits me
very well -.- *sigh*
 You are an assassin. That means you are a proffessional and do your job without mixing any emotions in it. In your life you have probably been hurt many times and have gotten some mental scars. This results in you being distant from people. Though many think that you are evil, you are not. What you really are is a person, trying to forget your pain and past. You are the person who never seems to care and that is why being an assassin fits you good. Atleast, that's what people think. Even if you don't care that much for your victims, you still have the ability to care and to generally feel. It is not lost, just a little forgotten. In crowds you tend to not get to noticed, and dress in black or other discrete colours. You don't being in the spotlight and wish people would just leave you alone. But once you do get close to someone you have a hard time letting go and get real down if you loose him/her.
Main weapon: Sniper Quote: "The walls we build around us to keep out the sadness also keep out the joy" -Jim Rohn
Facial expression: Narrowed eyes
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla