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school, drawing
Real Name
Umm...we'll stick to Faye
drawing better than last year?
Anime Fan Since
4th grade
Favorite Anime
Oh come on! You expect me to choose?
finish my comic (Twenty-Two) ~ well, actually it's been put back under reconstruction so I guess getting to college is the next best thing.
DRAWING(shimer shimer) & collecting swords or other sharp objects (glimmer glimmer)
drawing anime
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
Not a Bum no more!
I'm not a bum anymore!!!!!
I just got a job near by and I only work no more than 4 hours a day for maybe 4 days a week! Plus, I don't work weekends!! What now Byaches!
sorry excitment overwhelms. Doing book keeping isn't so bad. In a nerdy kind of way, organizing makes me feel excited. *turns away to shak head*
now I can go & pay my way for AO! Whoot ^_^
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After much thought, I have decided I will show up to Anime Oasis as Mine (from furuba) for the first day, then go as Ritsuka's teacher (from Loveless) the next day and on sunday I'll go as ...Ok I haven't thought of that yet. But I at least have thought of a cosplay basis, right?
The group I'm helping with their cosplays has reseverved a hotel room with out me. *tear* Now I'm scrabling to find roomies for the con. Hopefully Isha, Momo and someone else will be able to grab a room. Onizuka doesn't seem too eager to share a room with anyone when Isha asked him so I've decided I don't want to pressure him to allow us to stay. Gilt would consume me if I did force him to let us room with him.
Ah, the complications of cosplay.
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Wednesday, June 7, 2006
*Tear* T_T
Jeremy (the Anime Oasis con chairman) has just upgraded the AO forums & somewhere in the process the whole thing went POOF! Now everyone has to reregister.
That's not a problem right?
Well, I tried to register & I did but that bad thing is...I can't log in! *screams in panic*
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Bleh! =.=
Well, I thought for sure I had a job for the whole summer. It would have been 40 h/w and $6/h too! I had all the credentials to really kick ass it this design intership thingy but I got a letter in th mail this week end saying thanks for stopping by have a great life, you are still unemployed.
Thanx my ass, whatever. I shouldn't be mad. What they really wanted was someone with a car so they make you run arrends for them. *sigh*
~Now what was that web address for that local start-up comic shop? Savani? Beth? Do you guys remember what it was?~
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Comic reboot

That's my nerdy character Nick. I just thought I should post him for viewing purposes. Anyway, I've worked on my comic (It's called 22 for those who have no idea what I'm talking about) & I've been working on it for close to 4 yrs. now & I really am not liking how different each page is for the one before, so...I'm starting over.
*Savani bashes Faye's head with large blunt object* Yes, yes, I know I'm an idiot. But think of it this way, I've got better ideas, new plot features, better character developement now, & it would be easier to follow if all the drawings were simmilar.
So there you have it, my update.
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
Lost A Day This Week
All week long I have been constantly forgetting about Wed. Even on Wed. I forgot it was Wed. It's absolutely rediculous. *sigh* Well, I finally got around to figuring out a "movie" poster design for my Graphics Design class: I have a girl sitting on a desk & it looks like she is coming out of the paper. THe part of her that is outside the paper is in color & she is filling in the black&white parts of the pic. That's all I have right now.
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Friday, April 28, 2006
I've been off the internet for so long that I almost forgot about my site here! (0_0) Well, my graphic design class has kept me busy this year. I've just finished a Flash animation for one of my projects. It took me 2 1/2 weeks to make 30 seconds of animation. =.= I can't wait to be an animator when I get out of school. lol
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
Wowie. I've been gone for way too long. I've been on a forum for a con that's held locally annually. I had lots of fun there maybe some of ya have heard of it but it's kinda small so maybe not many.
This cons been going for 5 years now. Only a max of 425 people can go. Yeah that's tinnie especially compaired to Anime Expo in LA! I'd like to go to that one too. ^_^
My cosplay for it is going to be Miss Mine Kuramae from Fruits Basket. She's not a main character but she gets to wear an awsome maid's costume! =^_^= I made a countdown on my cellphone and constantly update everyone on how many days, hours, & minutes left.
I didn't touch the internet for 2 weeks over winter break and they all went nuts not having the countdown! lol! Oh man that is what I call true passion for anime! ^ ^
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Hey cool!
I read the coolest thing in the newspaper today! Manga is coming to our comics section! Starting in January, something called "Van Von Hunter" is going to be published in the funnies section!
The Anime Revolution has come! I'm so happy!
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Banjaro! (that's Faye for Bonjour)
Graphic Design this year has too many people enrolled & that means I 'm the only 2nd yr without a computer. *tears* well I'll have one as soon as the school district gets their act together & orders the damn computers. oh well, it's out of my hands ttly
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