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Fayt Uzamaki
Honor student and such
Anime Fan Since
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Naruto, Shaman King, Sailor Moon, Hikaru No Go, GunslingerGirl, Deatnote, Madlax, Noir, Saikano.... well actually I LOVE ALL ANIME
To become an animator or computer technician
anime/manga/reading/surfing the net/drawing/making new friends/i'm too lazy to think of anything else
drawing and making stories and such
| Fayt Uzamaki
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Just something I thought worth posting...

My friend, whose real name can not be exposed but we call her Allison on the net is entering a beauty pagent for the fair next week. SHe's really pretty, that's what I can say. SHe's also very funny! :D She's a really cool person to hang out with!! W00T! I so hope she wins! She's going to be in the beauty pagent!!!!!!
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Nothing Really...
My name is Fayt Uzamaki, I am from the sand village, but am in madly in love with both Naruto and Gaara. But sadly Gaara dies and I stay with Naru-kun. Yet, what's this strange feeling that I always get when me and Naru-kun lean in to kiss me?

What Village Are You From?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Friday, September 9, 2005
Just Turned 13
I just turned 13 yesterday on the 8th! I'm so happy because now I can join this site! w00! it's so cool! I think I'm going to enjoy this for a while!
Today at Wal*Mart there were these two gansta lookin' ppl and i thought I should test them. You know how some totally evil mean people mimick you? Well, I laughed and I mean laughed. I saw them mimick me. Right then I knew they were bad. Then too, when we were entering, there was this pretty teenage girl walking pass them and they whistled, the girl humphed. (My mom said the other person was a girl, so i was dead confused) Later on I hide my self and so did my bro becuase I told him they might jack out car. I knew that right off because the fat dude said, "Nice car." in an evil gansta tone. My dad too. My bro saw them get to the car and do something, told me dad and my dad threatened to call the cops. I walked over and yelled at those two. And let me say this, I'm a peaceful kind of girl I get all A's and I have a GPA of a 4.0. So you wouldn't see me be busting out any motives, but I did. Then my mom came. I got into the car and dailed the house to see if anyone called, the two stupidos thought i called the cops.
Later on, the security guard came and settled it down. He also called a local policeman. Man, those two got in the car and just jetted out with fear in their stinkin eyes. If they ever come near me again, oi.... i can remember their faces bright as day. And their stupid looks. What losers.
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