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Monday, January 24, 2005
I'm such a good little girl!
Alright, so the starting line up there is, bs...sue me! NO! WAIT!!! Don't! Stop! Aaaaaagggghhhh...
Ahem. guessie whatie!!! ((Wow, that was preppie))
Oh, did I mention, that in the Debate tourny Saturday WE WON 2nd PLACE!!?!!?!
Ahem. yes. It was so totally awesome, it should be illegal. ^-^ lalalalala. Anyway...I know I had something to say....I know I think think think think think think.........
I write a lot. I know this because Beyblader told me I just figured I tell you that, lol. Well, I shall fill this up with more stupidity.
Andrea: WE WON 2nd PLACE!!!
E: I know this, I was there...
Stephanie: ...Cap'n FLUFFY!!!
C.Fluff: Uhhhhhhh....your point?
Stephanie: -pounce-
C.Fluff: -steps away, allowing her to go 'SPLAT' onto the cement next to him-
E: When did I get cement installed in her house?
Hiei: Hn.
October: But...why's the rum gone?!
E: o.O "..."
Andrea: LA LA LA LA-Laaaaaaaaa!
E: O.o "......."
Hiei: Can we leave now?
E: Lets. -grabs Hiei's hand, and runs off
October: But....WHY'S THE RUM GONE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Yes. The insanity that consistantly happens about my life......
Alright, I think that for now I'm going to leave you guys alone. If Stephanie allows me to corrupt her computer again, I may post once more, but for now Supper's ready.
...I'm going to walk out, with Spongebob in the background, screaming "Are you ready to paarrrtttaaay, Patrick?!?!"
Ta Ta
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Well, I'm Back ^-^
Heylo all!
Heh. Well, I'm feeling the love guys, I'm really feeling the love.
Well, the good news is that I did find Stephanie the other day. Or rather...she found me, lol. Turns out she saw me walking and she was on my for her...-runs away- heh But yea, so she had to walk all the way to my house and she got here when I was typing yal, but I was too lazy to post again...My sincere apoloqies...well...they're not that sincere. I really don't give a damn, lol. Sorry! O.O
But, yea. You know what cracks me up? I'm still getting reviews on my stories on, and I haven't updated monthes? -dodges random flying tomatoes- Hey! That doesn't mean I haven't been working on them! Geez. -.-
Hm...I had something to tell yal. Oh! Four major things:
1) You know my sister Holly, the one that didn't come to see me over break? She's here! Well, not here here, but she's in Florida! She's coming to see me later today. Major kewl! Which means my dad needs to come home, because her present is still in the truck...o.o Yea. But she is down, and we're going to hang out and all that good jazz. ^-^
2) I'm getting my hair cut again. Did you knwo it's already grew an inch?! I just cut it two weeks ago!!!! O.O But yea, tomorrow at 7 I'm getting it cut. Yay! I'm thinking about getting my highlights redone, with the red again...I dunno. Maybe I should just dye all of my hair red, heh. But yes...That's what I had to tell you about that.
3) I'm having another tourny on Saturday, and GUESS WHAT!!! My dad's going to go with me, and judge! Not judge me, of course, but he's going to judge and be there and it's going to be so...WIERD....Yea. But yes. I don't know my lines. We just got the piece two days ago. This is my challenge, can you tell? It's about two girls who are in the Catholic Church, but they always majorly mess up. (A comedy, can you tell?) The problem I'm having is that I go through the three stages: 5 year old, 15 year old, and 24 year old. I can do the teenager and the adult fine, but dangit I'm horrid at being a little kid! Just ask Stephanie! -Stephanie Nods- Seee!!!! -.- Yea. So...that's going to be fun. I SEVERLY doubt that we're going to place. I mean, seriously....I think we suck... It's me and Andrea...and I just don't think that this is her thing, and I'm really getting tired of doing Duo... I'm going to do either Dec or DP next tourny. And then:: NATIONALS!! WooT WooT! ^-^ heh.
4) I didn't go to school today. lol. I know, that doesn't sound out of the ordinary, but wait, it gets worse. See, we just got back to RPB at 7:30 a.m. -.- Yes. You heard me right. We didn't even get into town until 7:30 in the fricken morning. Why, you ask? Well, because of the evil thing we humans call moving. Yea, we moved my cousin Jenna (she's 20) out of her apartment, because it needs to be redone. Sooooooo, yea. That was up in Daytona Beach. -.- A Four hour drive away. We left at 8:00 at night, got to her apartment at 12:00, had pack all her crap, and then had to go 1-get a tarp to keep it all down and 2- go to Denny's, because we were all starving (No dinner factor). So, we didn't even leave until 2 something this morning. And then my dad was trying to get me to go to school! SHOOOOT! I was going to flip out. He was like "You should have been sleeping in the car". I was like "Well excuuuuuuuuuse me, but when Jenna's swerving all over the road cuz she's falling asleep and you're swerving everywhere cuz YOU'RE falling asleep, I just have a trouble sleeping. I must not be like normal people- I can't sleep when I think either myself or my family's GOING TO DIE IN A FIREY CAR WRECK!!"
Yea, it was interesting. But I got to stay home, and didn't even wake up until close to 2 this afternoon. ^-^ It was nice. I drew a new picture of InuYasha. ^-^ I like it, personally. My mom says it's okay, but then she's not into InuYasha. The whole Demon factor going on. -shrug-
I should get going, I have a research project to get started, lol. Ta Ta!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Uh Oh...
Uh oh guys...
I can't find Stephanie. Okay, here's the scoop.
Me-n-her skipped 2nd hour together, then she skipped 3rd and 4th with me, then I skipped 5th hour with her. And then, after 5th hour she told me that she was coming home with me, and that we'd be taking my bus so she could use my computer. I was like "Ok." But...uh...problem.
I had to get back to Debate in 7th hour to get a Duo peice to perform on Friday with Andrea. I forgot that school ends at 2:55, not 3:30. (I get home at 3:30). So, we didn't get done printing in time for the bell. So I rushed my friend Bry, and he printed out the rest while i helped Salina find a peice. When he was done, I ditched Salina and ran to my 7th hour to pick up my books and stuff to see them happily locked away and no teacher in site. So, I ditched the books and ran out to the buses to see that I'd already missed my bus. So, I basically ran all the way here, because technically she walks this way. BUT I didn't see her, and I called her house and she's not here and I think that she went to my house...but I called my house and there was no answer....then I remembered that it was locked...but she could have climbed in the window...but she probably wouldn't...but she might have went home and not have been by the phone...but wouldn't she have called or something?! I DO NOT KNOW!!!!! O.O
Uh Oh is right.
Hm...where could my good friend be?
Now I feel really...weird...
I think I'm going to find dearest Stephanie. Then I'll be back. ^-^ Ta Ta!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
I Haveth Quizzles!!!
And, here they are::
Lol go friggen figure.
And that's all for t'day, folks...maybe...depends if I see anymore that i find interesting enough to place on here. ^_^ Never fear! I'll...probably be back. ^^;
Ta Ta!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I'm Innocent, I Swear!
Hey all!
^-^ What's crackin'?...Why am I asking you? It's not like you're going to just say to your computer "Oh I'm fine, and you?" And I'm going to hear it...
If you actually did do that, then...
E:"I'm great!"
Ahem...Yes. Well, My friends have inspired the stupidity side of me to grow and prosper. Thus, I must write "stupidity" on their stories for them, which basically consists of our lives...Scary, huh? Well, with much persuasion, I have acquiesced. Here it is. -.-
Jess: Tacooooos! -huggle huggle huggle-
E: -blinks, grabs, and runs- Muahahahahahahhaha...ha...ha?
Stefani: O.O EVIL RED!! EVIL!!!!
E: o.o;
Kurama: Ah...Why am I here?
Stefani: KURAMA!!!!!-glomp-
E: -.-; What's wrong with this picture?
Jess: Ah...Taco? O.O YOU have MY TACOOOOOOOO! -takes the salsa spoon and begins to stab-
E: O.O Wha?! No! Ah...ah...Karen has them!
Jess:...-stops mid air- Kaweeen?
E: -nods vigorously-
Karen: When was I brought in this?
E: ^-^ You're the one who came back from Inlet Grove, not me...
Jess: TAAAACCCCOOOOOOOOO!!!! -dive bombs Karen-
E: -sits back, munching on a taco as watches Karen becaome beaten to a bloody pulp-
Stefani: Goldfishie?
E: -nods solemly- and Corky. -hands over a taco-
Stefani: -mouth full- Yesh?
E: Wassat? -points beyond the bloody mass that Jess and Karen have become-
Stefani: -smiles- He tried to leave.
E: -blinks, then nods- Ah. I see. Very clever.
Kurama: -tries to scream through gag as he hangs upside down by his toenails-
E: Is he naked under all that rope?
Stefani: -holds up his clothes-
E: ...Sorry I asked.-.-;
Jess: O.O ELLLLIIIIEEEEE!!!-drop's Karen's hair, having her fall to ground in pain- My taco! gimmmmmmeee!
E:....ah...gotta run!
And with that, I shall wrap it up for the day...^^; My life is so screwed up...

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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Hey all!
Heh. Hello!
I have something very important to tell you....
Well, two important things.
1) Today, while walking to the library...I was...flirting! HAH! It was sooo funny! I was just walking out of my house, and was heading down the street when this guy (black, about 6', very cute smile) walked up and started talking to me. I was like...? And so, I kept walking, and it ended up as a little flirting session. It was fun ^-^. ^__^ hehe Yea, I know. Not that important, but cha know!
2)...what was the 2nd important thing??....-think think think-...Oh! I'm a beta reader for another person today! That's three! Count 'em! THREE PEOPLE! Woohoo! I ever going to get the TIME?! I don't know...oh boy...I never think things through, do I? Ah well. I'll manage. She's (I think it's a she...-sweat drop-) a writer like me!!! ^-^ YAY! I feel so happy! .................Yea.
Alright. I don't have a whole lot else to talk about...You know what? I'm still getting reviews on my stories, lol. I haven't updated them long? 6 monthes? More? I don't know. It's kinda funny, and I guess it makes me feel all squishy and warm inside to think people are still reading it...but makes me feel stupid that I haven't updated in so long...O.O...You know what?
I keep forgetting that I'm posting. -.- It's pretty sad. I just keep going on and doing other stuff, and leaving this poor little piddly lil post here, all alone and ...alone...and...lonely... yea. Ahem. Anyway........
I really need to stop typing and just...send this thing, huh? FINE! BE THAT WAY!!! SEE IF I CARE!!! I'm sending it! Okay?! Are you happy now?!
Wuv yal!
Oh, and another random question (since no one loved me enough to answer the first one):
~*~ Do people really even like the color brown? ~*~
Ta Ta!
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Monday, January 3, 2005
Hey Friends!
Hey Yal!
^-^ Even though I'm even more than a day late, dollar short, Happy New Year to Everybody! ^-^ Hope yours was fun all of you. Mine a weird level...
Yea. I know. That was vague. Ah well. Basically, I was working on the roof and stuff. Then for dinner we had a big little supper at my Gram's house, and Dad cooked. Had lots of Sherrey and Smirnoff...That's my family for ya. No drunkness for me, though. Just a small buzz. Wasn't feeling well. Haven't been feeling really well for a while now. It's not like a cold it's just...kinda like someone's repeatedly stabbing me in the thigh and back a lot, and I've been having bad headaches. -shrug- Whatever. I'll be better some day.
Speaking of someday....Stephanie's supposed to be here one of these days...>.< We're meeting up, lol. She's supposed to be here by now. -.- Maybe she's hiding or something. Who knows? She's weird. ....Was I supposed to call her before I left or something? I...don't know...I have very bad memory....-sigh- Ah well...SHe'll come anyway...right? I dad would tell her that I'm here...if he answers the phone...can he hear the phone over the compressor while on the roof? Oh my...I worry too much. -.-
Hm. I know I had something to tell yal. Oh yea! You all know that I had my hair cut, right? (Well if you didn't, you do now, lol.) It was getting annoying because it was past my shoulders and all, so I had it cut short, right? Well...the hairdresser (though very nice) must have been new, because...she cut one side completely different than the other side. -.- -sigh- I just realized this last night, about 11:58 pm...-.- And I had it done Thursday? Friday? One of those two. -.- So Mariam's coming over either tomorrow or the day after to fix it so I don't look retarded to see mom's side of the family. I could just see that happening. >.< They aren't the nicest of people, if you know what I mean. Quite rude and obnoxious and revolve around money, really. -shrug- Anyway...So I'm going to get it fixed. I'm thinking about dying it black, like it used to be, and getting green tips and fronts, because that'd look major cool with the length that it's at now. It's length, with it gradually shorter in the front and layered. It looks would if it was done right. -sigh-
...Did Stephanie fall off the edge of the world? I think she Maybe she got here before I did and left...that'd be funny. Heh. ANYWAY...Did I have anything else to say? YEP! ((I keep remembering right when I finish typing, lol)) Well, I have my computer back. YAY! But, there's no internet yet. Boo!!! Heh. Yea, so I'm still stuck with the Library for a little while longer. -shrug shrug-
Well, before i remember something else to jabber on about, I shall run off. Ta Ta My Friends!

P.S. I almost forgot (surprise, surprise) that I put my little question mark dude up there for a reason! Here's the Q of Today!
--Do penguins have knees? Elbows? Why/Why not? (And please don't get literal)--

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Monday, December 27, 2004
Hey guys! ^_^ I'm here...sort of.
Well, it turns out that I wasn't aloud to go to Virginia because I wasn't going to come back...long story. So I'm stuck here in Florida, and technically it's not too bad right now. Heh. We're at my Uncle Ray's house, and I'm think it's ...yea...I kinda just asked him-Bryan's laptop. Yea, as he told me to tell you guys he's married with almost 3 kids (one on the way! ^-^). He's weird, but kinda kewl- he's really sarcastic, so you can tell we're related. ^_^ hehe Anyway...on to who knows what subject...
Heylo! heh. But yea, I was convinced that if I went up to Virginia that I'd be staying there, and I almost was aloud to go. The reason I couldn't though is that my father isn't up there, so he can't file for custody while he's down there, and if he let me go up there while he's still down here...well, let's just say that my mom's going to use everything that she can get to make sure I have to live with her in our little house here in Florida. -shrugs- Whatever. I've basically cried it out of my system. Mainly the whole 'crying' thing because I was going to finally get to go see my sister Holly and her bf and my sister Heather (who came down earlier)'s bf Danny and get to see my Aunt Doris and Uncle Jim (again) and Aunt Mary and my godsisters Crystal and Candy and my godniece Maddy (Madison Lee ^-^ She's so cute!) and...the list goes on. I haven't seen most of them since I went up there last time- August. Not only that, but some of them I wasn't able to see, and thus I haven't seen them since nearly a year and a half now! So...yea.
Well, I cut my hair again. I know, I was planning on letting it grow out, but IT'S ALWAYS IN MY WAY!! Well, not anymore, but it was, because I work on my roof, and we've got 35 mph winds at times, so it's a bit of a pain in the butt! heh Well, now it isn't! It's so cute in that strange punkish way! I need to take a picture so that you guys can see it. ^-^ heh I think I will! ^-^ Alrighty then...
Well, I don't think I have a whole lot to talk about...wait! Well, I don't remember if I told you guys yet, but my Grandmother's pet toy poodle Pepper had three puppies. ((They're playing Doom 3, the newest one, right behind me, so it's taking a while for me to type this, lol)) So, two are black (SO CUTE!!) and one is an apricotish color (ADORABLE!!)! Well, one of the black ones we gave to Aunt Barb (Ray's wife) and they named it CHEECH! LOL!!! heh From Cheech and Chong. ^-^ heh, I thought it was cute...and if you know what Cheech and Chong is, then you'll understand lol. ^-^ Anyway...AW! Doom 3 is so awesome!!! O.O awesome possum! ahem...Anyway....
Yea. Well, I've been feeling kinda bad lately...I know I shouldn't be, but I have. You see...I was going out with this kid named Ryan. It was a strange relationship since he lives about 2 hours away, but ya know, I was happy..But then, one day he started just spouting total crap at me, about myself and my family. I don't remember why, but I know one of my posts already covered it. So...I kinda blew up...The whole preppy cry over guy thing and sister Holly found out and told him never to call again. So...he kindea found my site somehow, and well...I was kinda mean...but not as mean as Stephanie. Oh god! She told me what she told him and I was like...O.O I didn't know you could be so cruel! So...he was saying that he didn't know why I was mad and he didn't know what he did and such...Well...I sort of..blew up...I mean, how can your forget something like that?! But, I told him that I would call him one more time, and if he didn't pick up, I wouldn't call any more. Well, I called and his sister picked up. She said he wasn't I thought he'd call back or something...but I guess he doesn't want to talk to me anymore... -shrug- I'm just regretting my actions I think...but...I wish he'd call, you know? Ah well. He probably doesn't care if I'm alive anymore...if he ever did...
-mushroom sigh- Well, now that I've went deeper than usual aonce more...I shall run along. Ta Ta my friends!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Muahahahahahaha...ha...-backs slowly away-
Ahem. Anyway, to update on the homebase: My sister, Uncle, and Brandon are gone now. ;-; They've left back to Virginia so that my other sister and my aunt and such aren't alone for Christmas/New Years. I'm going to be going up there on the 27th (as I've mentioned quite often before). I've decided...that I'll be coming back. Yes. I know. It's shocking, but...I want to finish my Freshie year here, at least. I love my highschool, as gay as that sounds. ANYWAY. Back on subject. My dad's still down here (as is my mum, lol) because the roof isn't finished.
Speaking of my dad, you won't BELIEVE what he got me for part of my Christmas present!!! O.O Brace yourselves! Are you ready?! Okay! Here it is::
My dad got me a pure gold Daughter's Ring! AHHHHHHH!! Oh my goodness, I almost died of pure shock. I mean, this IS my dad we're talking about. The most "girly" thing he's ever gotten me is when he brought me cothes shopping last year. ^-^ I'm sooo happy! No one's ever really given me jewelry before...((Besides Stephanie and Heather. They're my sisters...and I was there when they got them. -.-; -sweat drop- )) It was so sweet of him! It has my birthstone at the top with my mother's next to it, then my father's, then my sister's! I'm going to have to take a picture of it and put it on here...just because. And he was sooo nervous! I've never seen my dad nervous. He told me that he didn't think that I would like it because I'm not really the preppy type (more of the punkish really). I was like..."OF COURSE I DO!!! IT'S AWESOME!!!" ^________^ hehe that my preppy moment's taken care of...
On to the next subject. I've officially PASSED ALL OF MY EXAMS!!! Beat that, stupid Integ Science teacher! Muaahahaahahaaha...ha...hah...okay. Shutting up now...No! hehe Anyway. Yea, I got an A on my Science exam, a B on my English Exam (with 178 questions on it! O.O), an overall A on my Debate (oral exam and written), an A on my French exam, a C (YAY!) on my Algebra 2 exam, and an A on my BST exam! The only grade I don't know is my A/C Repair grade, but I'm pretty sure I got at least a C on it. -hopes, wishes, and prays- WooHoo!!! ^-^
Alrighty...I think I should wrap this technically up now...because...well... I don't know. Hm. I guess because there's not a whole lot else to talk about. Today was the last day of school until the 11th of January, and almost nobody showed up. Literally they had to combine the lunches into one big lunch and there was still not even enough people (RPB normally has over 3,000 students there) to fill up the cafeteria! O.O Can you believe it?! Craziness! I had 4 whole people (including self) in my first hour, and three (again including self) in my 7th! O.O Sikability! ^-^
-.- I still have to buy people gifts. Isn't that pathetic? O.O I need to ask my dad if he'll bring me to the mall to get mum a gift...think ask mum to bring me to the mall to get him a Aw. Did I tell you that my friend Mike got me a bracelet? ^-^ I was soo happy. That is another person I've gotten jewelry from, come to think of it. He got me it from the Keys. (bottom islands off of Florida) It's got spikes and junk on it, so of course I thought it was awesome, lol. I wear it all the time. ^-^ So, now I have two permanent pieces of jewelry that I'll be wearing. Well, I have to get going, thanks for listening to me chatter! ^-^

P.S. Incase I'm not able to get back here until after the holidays:
Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and Happy New Years to all!!!
P.S.S. I just thought of something...Mom's been saying that my dad hasn't been paying the mortgage...and he got my sister and I both very expensive jewelry for X-mas... o.o I love my dad. -teary eyes-
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Hey Yal!`
Hey guys!
Well, I'm going to have to make this fast because I don't really have a lot of time. Sorry in advance that I won't be able to get to your sytes, but technically I'm not even supposed to be here. -.- My dad and sister and uncle and friend Brandon all came down, and they're fixing the roof as we speak! ^-^ YAY! I'm happy. But, they also say that I'm not aloud to go to the library and talk with yal until they're, yea. That's why I haven't been here in so long, and why I have to make this fast. That's the one thing about my dad- he's real strict, and I'm scared to death of him. I really hope he's not too pissed off. I told him I was dropping off a book and he nearly bit my head off, so this is major hyperspeed mode. -.- So...yea. That's what's happening right now. I've already taken my Alg. 2 Hon exam and my BST exam, and today I took my French and A/C Repair. Pretty tough, but I think I did well. Only one way to find out, lol. Alright, Now I really have to go, because I'm afraid dad's going to drive up and see me here- that would SOOO not be good. Heh, I'd prolley get my ass beat. Alright, I love you all, and I'll update further to yal, when I really have the time. Bye!!

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