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West Palm Beach, Baby! =)
Member Since
I'm just a measley High School Student...=D 9th to be exact!
Real Name
Hm. Let's think about must be...El! Oh my, call the press. You just hit the Jackpot!
...I have acheivements? Wtf?! When did this happen?! -runs to calander-
Anime Fan Since
o.o Basically...since I was born- wOOt wOOt =D
Favorite Anime
...uhm...IY-YYH-Hellsing-Demon Diary-X/1999-VPM-Trigun-etc ^-^
I'm a writer, thus, I want to write a novel =P Basically, a Medieval Fantasy at that...
o.O Mechanic T.T hehe
Talents ^-^ and Singing...and I like to dance =)
| FczCrZiWyTeShAwTi
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Muahahahahahaha...ha...-backs slowly away-
Ahem. Anyway, to update on the homebase: My sister, Uncle, and Brandon are gone now. ;-; They've left back to Virginia so that my other sister and my aunt and such aren't alone for Christmas/New Years. I'm going to be going up there on the 27th (as I've mentioned quite often before). I've decided...that I'll be coming back. Yes. I know. It's shocking, but...I want to finish my Freshie year here, at least. I love my highschool, as gay as that sounds. ANYWAY. Back on subject. My dad's still down here (as is my mum, lol) because the roof isn't finished.
Speaking of my dad, you won't BELIEVE what he got me for part of my Christmas present!!! O.O Brace yourselves! Are you ready?! Okay! Here it is::
My dad got me a pure gold Daughter's Ring! AHHHHHHH!! Oh my goodness, I almost died of pure shock. I mean, this IS my dad we're talking about. The most "girly" thing he's ever gotten me is when he brought me cothes shopping last year. ^-^ I'm sooo happy! No one's ever really given me jewelry before...((Besides Stephanie and Heather. They're my sisters...and I was there when they got them. -.-; -sweat drop- )) It was so sweet of him! It has my birthstone at the top with my mother's next to it, then my father's, then my sister's! I'm going to have to take a picture of it and put it on here...just because. And he was sooo nervous! I've never seen my dad nervous. He told me that he didn't think that I would like it because I'm not really the preppy type (more of the punkish really). I was like..."OF COURSE I DO!!! IT'S AWESOME!!!" ^________^ hehe that my preppy moment's taken care of...
On to the next subject. I've officially PASSED ALL OF MY EXAMS!!! Beat that, stupid Integ Science teacher! Muaahahaahahaaha...ha...hah...okay. Shutting up now...No! hehe Anyway. Yea, I got an A on my Science exam, a B on my English Exam (with 178 questions on it! O.O), an overall A on my Debate (oral exam and written), an A on my French exam, a C (YAY!) on my Algebra 2 exam, and an A on my BST exam! The only grade I don't know is my A/C Repair grade, but I'm pretty sure I got at least a C on it. -hopes, wishes, and prays- WooHoo!!! ^-^
Alrighty...I think I should wrap this technically up now...because...well... I don't know. Hm. I guess because there's not a whole lot else to talk about. Today was the last day of school until the 11th of January, and almost nobody showed up. Literally they had to combine the lunches into one big lunch and there was still not even enough people (RPB normally has over 3,000 students there) to fill up the cafeteria! O.O Can you believe it?! Craziness! I had 4 whole people (including self) in my first hour, and three (again including self) in my 7th! O.O Sikability! ^-^
-.- I still have to buy people gifts. Isn't that pathetic? O.O I need to ask my dad if he'll bring me to the mall to get mum a gift...think ask mum to bring me to the mall to get him a Aw. Did I tell you that my friend Mike got me a bracelet? ^-^ I was soo happy. That is another person I've gotten jewelry from, come to think of it. He got me it from the Keys. (bottom islands off of Florida) It's got spikes and junk on it, so of course I thought it was awesome, lol. I wear it all the time. ^-^ So, now I have two permanent pieces of jewelry that I'll be wearing. Well, I have to get going, thanks for listening to me chatter! ^-^
P.S. Incase I'm not able to get back here until after the holidays:
Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and Happy New Years to all!!!
P.S.S. I just thought of something...Mom's been saying that my dad hasn't been paying the mortgage...and he got my sister and I both very expensive jewelry for X-mas... o.o I love my dad. -teary eyes-
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