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West Palm Beach, Baby! =)
Member Since
I'm just a measley High School Student...=D 9th to be exact!
Real Name
Hm. Let's think about must be...El! Oh my, call the press. You just hit the Jackpot!
...I have acheivements? Wtf?! When did this happen?! -runs to calander-
Anime Fan Since
o.o Basically...since I was born- wOOt wOOt =D
Favorite Anime
...uhm...IY-YYH-Hellsing-Demon Diary-X/1999-VPM-Trigun-etc ^-^
I'm a writer, thus, I want to write a novel =P Basically, a Medieval Fantasy at that...
o.O Mechanic T.T hehe
Talents ^-^ and Singing...and I like to dance =)
| FczCrZiWyTeShAwTi
Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Hey all!
Well, I know that I was supposed to finish writing whatever it was I was posting about yesterday, but I didn't, and I don't really feel up to figuring it out...o.O Yea. Anyway....
-sighs- I'm not feeling very good right now. -.- Haven't been for a while. V-V -sniffles- I'll be okay, eventually. I have that weird feeling of floating then endlessly falling over and over again. It makes your head feel weird....
Yea. So.....yep.
Jimmy came and talked to me today (today we didn't have to be to school until 11 am, LTM) and was apologizing to me about not being at my 'party' and stuff...I was like...IT WASN'T MY PARTY, YOU IDIOT, IT WAS JUST A GATHERING FOR STEPHANIE'S BIRTHDAY!!! I DIDN'T EVEN INVITE YOU!!!!
-.- Sometimes guys can be so stupid.
And no, usually I'm not so mean to him or people in general, it's just a happy side effect of my icky-feeling-ness. -.- I'm actually a pretty nice person to people...
Aah...I'm so tired...
It doesn't help that people are telling me that Adam is going to ask me out...and others are telling me that Jimmy is going to ask me out...I wish somebody just would say it's fine to be single....I don't mind being single...I don't know if I'm really ready to be dating anyone right now...
Well, I'm not sure if I should even be in public view right now...I feel like crap...probably look like crap too...-.-
Well, I'm in art class now at school, if I haven't already informed you's sisters had Mr. McKinley's class he's nice to me...I think Sean was in that class too...I'll ask him and tell you guys...
Yea. I'm going to be calling Stephanie later...and then we'll be calling Amadeus...and then talking about the Super Bowl party at Abbey's on Sunday...
I have a new job...every Sunday I work with horses and kids (together! Scary...)from 8am to anywhere from 2-5 pm, depending on if any kids have a party...yea...good thing the super bowl party starts at 5, and I get off work at about 4 on Sunday...Stephanie has a new job too...she works with animals too...I'm working at Good Earth Farm, where as she's working at the zoo...very cool, very cool...I'm just going to try my best at work, and keep an open mind, even though people say that my boss is a total biesh...-shrug- I kinda thought she was crazy before I even was told that, so I think I'm prepared....I'm also trying for another job...that actually pays nice money...that'd be great...
Today is: February 2, 2005
My Birthday: March 14, 1990
Days Til: 40 ^-^
I'm going to be 15 very soon...can't wait...even though people already think I'm 15, even when I say I'm not...<.< >.> -.-;
I think I'm going to go now, because frankly, I'm not focuzing very well. I'm going to try and come by everyone's sytes, kay kay?
Ta Ta!

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