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The shadows
Member Since
Real Name
not failing 7th grade!
Anime Fan Since
pokemon started or sailor moon, which ever came first. or maybe it was tenchi moyo? i can't remember!
Favorite Anime
Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Rave Master, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Inuyasha,Pokemon, Digimon(1st season), Shaman King, ans, Fullmetal Alchemist, Rorouni Kenshin, dragonball(all of them), fruits basket, megaman nt warrior, case closed, super
get through algebra...
soccer, swimming, surfing the net, talkin on the phone, goin to movies, talking on the net, listening to music, hangin' with my other friends in the shadow realm,
fighting, acting like a crazy person...
| fearlessbluepuppy
Hi, I'm Blue. I am in 8th grade. I have an imaginary friend named Falcon. anyway, if u come to my home page please sign my guest book so i no u came. ummm, i'm not that interesting of a person so i dont have much to say. if i ask a question it'll probably sound very whiny. thankx for stoppin bye. dont be afraid to come back! i dont bite(thats gir's job). i have 14 brothers and mi dad is Roy Mustang. i love country music and rock. dont tell me i'm a loser, nerd, or names like that. i already know.
haha! i own Koga and there's not a think you can do about it! :P

Saturday, March 18, 2006
im never on..if u want to talk to me i have an account on my name is ninja_of_your_demise
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Monday, December 19, 2005
holy crap...i was gettin somethin and i had to stand on a stool cuz it was to high for me and the damn thing broke!! i fell on one of the pegs and it felt like a brokes everybone in mi ass! so not fun!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
hey, i dont know y i'm writin this no ones gonna read it. but i just felt like talkin. ummm,if u do care and wonder hom i'm feeling, i'm doin ok. my mom's bein a bitch as usual. but otherwise its pretty good. i have like 10 papers due and i havent started any. we have a field trip next friday. were goin to the movies to c the chronicles of narnia thingy. i didnt really like the books but i'm goin cuz its away from the skool and away from the blimp known as our princepal. hes so fat my friend was sittin in her desk and she thought he was gonna squish her from the otherside of the room. we put up the x-mas tree today and mi mom said she was gonna call me out to help with the ornaments...but of course she didnt. i got out to the livinroom and the tree is all done. i feel so loved. but i bet half of u who r reading this stopped caring so i'm just gonna stop writing. mayb u'll respond, mayb u'll just ignore melike usual. but have a nice life. someone should. Love always, Blue @};-
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
i dont know if anyon will respond to this. most likely no one will. but i wanted to post this just in case someone felt like caring. i have a problem and i dont know how to solve it. there's this guy, i kinda like him, but i can't. my friend has a huge crush on him and its not right for me to like him if she does. i dont know if he likes her but i've been told that he likes me. he flirts with me and he's constantly putting an arm around me. the other day we were waiting in the lunch line and he put me in a hug/headlock. not really a sign of affection, but his other arm was wrapped around my stomach. and the day after that he came up behind me and put his arms around me for no reason. i dont want ppl to think that i'm tryin to steal him from my friend bcuz i know what its like to b stabbed in the back like that. hes cute, and hes really nice. i dont know what to do! if he does like me...i dont want to hurt my freind's feelins cuz i like him back. i dont want her to hate me but i dont want him to think i dont like him just bcuz she does. and theres another guy, who one of my other friends like. she not just another friend, shes the sis i always wanted. but she has a bf and she likes this guy. i dont really like him but i kinda do. and hes always talkin to me during class and another friend, elizabeth, keeps sayin he likes me but i doubt it. evenone of the teachers makes comments about me and him. f u have an oppinion, i dont care if its good or bad, plz comment this. thnx to all who do, skrew u to the ones who dont even read this. love always, Blue
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
fine then
i gave ya'll a week to respond to the last post. once agin, not a single reply. apparently i have no friends on this website. and i know ur not busy becuase over half of you update everyday. i'm not even sure what the point is of writing this becuase NO ONE is going to read it. well, i hope u came to ur senses and if you're not really my friend take me off your friends list. if a friend asks for help u should help them. not ignore them like a bug! neway, enjoy ur lives losers. <3 Blue
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Featured Quiz Result:
holy *BEEP*. sherry's gonna kill me! and i live at kurama's house...