Fruits Basket ahoy! |
Created by Zombiesoda and taken 141 times on bzoink! |
This isn't going to make sense unless you've seen Fruba. the survey! |
Who is your favorite character? | HARU!!!! my y cow! |
What is your favorite pairing? (ie KyoxTohru, etc) | ma and Haru!!!! (my friend dont like the writer cuz she loooooooooooves Kyo.) |
Do you prefer the sub or dub? | dub? |
Why is Yuki so y? | bcuz he ooks like a chic! |
Do you think one day Mii-chan (Shigure's editor) will snap? | yes! |
Isn't Ayame's japanese voice dissappointing compared to the dub? | i dont know |
Why is Tohru's skirt so short? | cuz she's a . |
Why is Momiji so fond of pantaloons? | CUZ HE'S GAY!!! |
What exactly crawled up Akito's butt, anyway? | i thin the missing zodiac animal(rooster) |
Why does everyone rip off poor Yuki's hairstyle? | i dont know |
Is it hot in here or is it just Haru? | HARU!!!! |
If I asked you that in real life would you look at me strangely? | no! |
Who could possibly Tohru? | me |
Would anyone really care if Akito died? | no |
Why is Kyo so tan? | cuz he's different. |
Why are there clouds surrounding the Juunishi when they transform back? | so you can't see their "private places"! |
Isn't Haru just adorable around Yuki? | HARU IS MINE!!!! |
Do you find it creepy/gross/odd that he acts that way? | I LOVE HARU!!!! |
Who do you prefer, Kyo or Yuki? | kyo's my bro and best friends bf so no, and yuki is just plain gay. HARU!!!! |
Kagura or Kisa? | KISA!! |
What is probably the ugliest outfit any of the characters have worn? | the "thing" tohru wears! |
If you could get any of the clothing from Fruba, what would you choose? | kyo's clothes! |
Who has the maddest skillz? | HARU! |
Who looks better in a dress, Yuki or Ritsu? | Ritsu |
What is your favorite Fruba song? | i dont like either of them |
Should Kyo take anger management classes? | yes |
Or does he just need a warm cup of milk and a pat on the head? | from gir! |
Are Kyo's pants the coolest things ever or what? | YES!!!!!! |
Have any of your friends said you were like a fruba character? | YES! |
If so, who? | kyo |
Which Sohma is the skankiest? | tohru, wait, not a sohma, um...kagura? |
Which Sohma do you think is the best at breakdancing? | HARU! |
What character do you want to hug because of their zodiac form? | uh, Hatori! |
What character do you want to hug because you feel bad for them? | momiji |
What character do you want to hug just because they're so damn awesome? | HARU! |
What character do you want to kick cause frankly, they SUCK? | AKITO! |
Which character would look the best all done up as an emo boy (or )? | what's an emo boy or ? |
Can you tell that Fruits Basket has devoured my soul? | yes |
Has it devoured yours too? | yes |
Have you seen anybody or anything that looks like a Fruba character? | yes. i cat that looked like kyo |
Who would win in a fight? Hatori or Haku from Spirited Away? | i dont know Haku from Spirited Away |
Why is Akito's kimono thingy always falling off? | cuz he stole it from the fat lady next door |
Should there be a Fruits Basket movie? | yes |
If so, what would the title be? | Fruits Basket the Movie |
What would it be about? | HARU! |
Aaaaaand the last and most important question: |
Do you want the Yuki merchandise that they show in the Fanclub episode? | no |
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