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on a cloud...i think(what the hell am i tallking about)
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student who hates school
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| feathers that fly

hi! my name is Himitsue(at least on this site)...uh...i hope you enjoy this site,it's not mutch but it has a guestbook so sign it! ^_^ sorry,i felt like yelling...yeah i guess thats it so just go right a-head and enjoy yourselves(my other username is "wolf in the rain")...seya latter

Saturday, January 29, 2005
HI! do like the new theam? it looks goth but....he is my favorite charcter so what could i do? (besides it looks cool)is anyone even seeing this site...........or not...i want to start a story if anyone will read it.......kk,well i'll seya later
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Friday, January 21, 2005
i'm so sick of having nothing to look forward to or get excied's too dull.........I WANA JUMP OUT OUT OF MY SKIN!!!! i can't take it!!!!

...but senci everything is so damn boring,there isn't any thing to post about....i'll seya next time theres something to say besides 'i'm bored'....
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Wolf's Rain bios
I found these on a site called should go there some time
Kiba ("Fang")
Voice Actor: Mamoru Miyano
Of all the wolves, Kiba has the wildest nature. He longs to be free, away from the humans, and strives to find the fabled Paradise. He is very prideful and stubborn, and has somehow managed to avoid contact with humans his entire life, up to this point, when he follows the scent of the Lunar Flower into town. Unfortunately, his pride proves self-destructive, as he was seriously injured and taken captive by the humans while in his wolf form. It was Hige who convinced him it would be easier to reach his goal in human form. He has a very negative view of humans, and has prided himself in killing many of them.
His wolf form is pure white.
Tsume ("Claw")
Voice Actor: Kenta Miyake
Tsume gives a very ominous impression. He is the appointed leader of a large street gang, who mainly rob trains. He does not like to keep any company, human or wolf. He looks down upon those who are not self-reliant. He basically uses the humans for his own gain, and gives the impression that he does not seem to care if they get injured or die. However, if anyone is in danger, wolf or human, he will try to rescue them.
In his wolf form, he is grey. He has a cross-shaped scar across his chest that is also present in his wolf form.
Hige ("Whisker")
Voice Actor: Akio Suyama
Hige is a very happy-go-lucky person. He has lived for a long time with the humans, and so knows how to interact with them naturally. He had rescued and befriended the elusive Kiba, and is instructing him how to act around and live with them. In addition, he seems to know a lot about the inner workings of the city; in particular, relating to the police. He is cunning, and would rather think through a battle than rush in.
In his wolf form, Hige is tan-colored and stocky. He wears a collar that, in his human form, is entirely too large.
Toboe ("Howling")
Voice Actor: Hiroki Shimowada
The youngest wolf, Toboe is not much more than a puppy dog who is not aware of his own strength. He was raised by an old lady since his birth, so he has no idea of his wolfish nature. In fact, he is a stray now because he accidentally killed his former owner. He is timid, and will even let the crows chase him away from food. He meets with a kind girl, Leara, who gives him some food when he is in wolf form. He meets her again in human form later and thanks her for the food. The next time she sees him, however, he accidentally kills her falcon while trying to "rescue" it for her, and permanently frightens her. The first wolf he meets is Tsume, who thinks very little of Toboe.
In his wolf form, Toboe is rust-colored and very lanky. He wears a white bracelet that remains present in his wolf form.
Other Main Characters:
Voice Actor: Asano Mayumi
Quent's companion, the only thing left of his family after Curious city was burnt to the ground.. She helps him hunt down the wolves. When she meets Cheza, she comes to realize that she is a wolf herself, and decides to leave Quent to search for herself.
Cher Degre
Voice Actor: Kaho Koda
Dr. Cher Degre is a scientist that is working within the laboratory where Cheza is kept. She is the person that is primarily in charge of the research surrounding Cheza. She used to believe that wolves were extinct, like everyone else, but was proven wrong with Kiba's capture.
Voice Actor: Arisa Ogasawara
Also known as the Flower Maiden, Cheza has a strong link with the wolves. She can feel the wolves' emotions, and reacts to their blood. She had been held captive in a tank in the laboratory of Cher Degre. She originally belonged to Darcia, until she had been stolen from him and held captive in the tank. The three remaining nobles all vie for possession of her.
Voice Actor: Maaya Sakamoto
Darcia's former lover, who fell deathly ill from a curse. She remains in his castle, in a coma-like state, waiting for the day when Darcia can restore her health.
Hubb Lebowski
Voice Actor: Mitsuru Miyamoto
Cher's ex-husband, Hubb is a detective for the local police in Freeze City. He also used to not believe that the wolves existed, but his interest has been increasing, and he is soon driven to believe that they are still around.
Quent Yaiden
Voice Actor: Unsho Ishizuka
A former sheriff from Curious, Quent, with the help of his dog, Blue, has a vengeance against the wolves. He knows that the wolves are not extinct, and is determined to kill them off. Both he and his dog are not fooled by the facade that the four wolves put up.
The Nobles:
Voice Actor: Takaya Kuroda
The mysterious member of the aristocracy known as the Nobles, he has a particular interest in Cheza, taking her back from the laboratory where she had been kept. He intends to use Cheza to restore Harmona's life.
Voice Actor: Atsuko Tanaka
One of the elite Nobles that is fighting to gain possession over Cheza.
Voice Actor: Ritsuo Sawa
One of the remaining nobles, Lord Oakum was the leader of Freeze City, the city where Cher and Hubb used to live and work. He stole Cheza from Darcia in order to perform experiments on her to get her to wake up and lead the way to paradise. He fell at the hands of Jagara, another noble.
Minor Characters:
Voice Actor: Kan Tokumaru
The Recapture Party Captain who is in charge of getting Cheza back to the lab.
Voice Actor: Atsuko Yuya
The lone female member of Zari's pack, who is able to convince Zari of the fault in his ways. We never see her wolf form. She appear in episodes 5 and 6.
Voice Actor: Akaishi Hiroki
A child member of Tsume's gang. He followed Tsume around, and desired to be like him. He died during a raid mission, though Tsume tried to save his life. He appears only in Episode 1.
Voice Actor: Ryoko Kinomiya
The old Flower woman who tries to guide Cheza on the right path. She appears only in episode 8.
Voice Actor: Onosaka Masaya
A member of the native Mon tribe. He and his tribe believe in wolves. The elder of his tribe helps Kiba and the wolves, and tells them the legends of this world. He is in episodes 19 and 20.
Voice Actor: Sendai Eri
A girl Toboe meets in the city. She is permanently frightened of him when he accidentally reveals to her that he is a wolf after he kills her falcon.
Voice Actor: Tatamura Shoumura
A caracal-girl Kiba meets in the garden. She wants him to stay with her forever. She is in episodes 19 and 20.
Voice Actor: Naomi Kusumi
The leader of a struggling pack of wolves who lives on a deserted island city. He forces his wolves to work like dogs in order to be able to provide them with food. Zari and his pack are in episodes 5 and 6.
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
...hear it goes
Kiba: We are only passing,we have no buissness with you
Inuyhsa: Then what was that gun shoting all about?!
Toboe: uh...we'd better go
Tsume: there just a bunch of human-wait,what are they?!
(goku and sanzo walk over to where gojyo and hakkai are)
Hige: Great, more of them!
(a small army of nobels apear from the trees)
Kiba: MOVE!!
(all the wolves are about to jump when all of a sudden Inuyhasa slices all the nobels with his tetsiga)
Inuyhasa: What time period are they from!?
Hige: What the hell are you talking about-
Kiba: And witch are you, a human or a wolf?
Inuyhasa: I'm both!! And it's DOG not WOLF
Kiba: That makes no sence,but thanks any way. We'll be going now
Goku: Wait! there's someone over in that clearing,and they have wings!
well,that's todays...dose anyone want me to contenue this story-or am i just typing it for no reson but to entertain my self. well if you do read it, then i'll contenue it in the next post
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