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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
well well well..
well well as you can see from my last two or three posts..all my assumptions about chris wanting me gone were true...he lied and lied...and now he's with another girl....some girl i don't even know....Lisa chris.the very day he said goobye to me....what a very trustowrhty honest be fooling around like lovely...i'm filled with joy and happy things...
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
just thinking.....
i am NOT leaving christopher..he's mine...i found him...and i don't want to let him go...i just think mayb he's not down with relationships anymore.....thas why i wanted to know if it's time to move on....things are going rough...and i think he's hating me personality wise....more and more everyday....i want commitment....but i dunno..if i can get that from him in more ways than the's complicated to explain Kristina...i dunno...just it's hard to hold on to someone who has changed and you learn little things everyday that you don't want to..and you miss the old chris.....and see the things you loved in someone else....i am hanging on....just not certain if i'm holding on to someone whose holding on just as tight as i am....
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
just make a vote...
i want to know from anyone who is willing to reply....please greatly appreciated....ok..the question i want you to rate yes or no is this....How do you know when a relationship is barely hanging on?...and when do you know to let go????i want you to answer this question and then tell me your vote...YES or NO for breaks or Break-ups......thanx a bunch you'd be helping me out....
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
feeling happy????
This is a pic of me and Chris at gregory's birthday was a wickett night...everybody was there and everyone had a wickett time....
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Hi Hi!
wats up with everyone?'s really sunny today here in Newfoundland....nice day for a "waddle in the lane"....anyhoot...hope everyone is enjoying the nice day compared to the dark dungeon of winter...."it's splitin' de rocks out der"....tee-hee-hee...
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
my dog.....Co-Co
isn't he a nice looking puppy dog??????
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*drama festival*

it was really fun...we didn't win but we deffintiyl kicked butt!...everyone had soo much fun i think we were the most spirited...anyways this is our cast...yay! for all of us...we're doin it all agin for Spring Fling...the whole play this was a real fun day and a real interesting night compliments of Nici Marais..Yay!..congrats to all who participated and good luck to Cresent Collegiate who went home with the Bacon...YAY!
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Monday, April 11, 2005
a time it was.....
this is me and amelia and shawn paying really close attention in Workplace Safety.....(yeah right) we take all our notes and have outstanding class participation....oh my!..i'm the worst liar Jayne cares soo much about about our class participation he didn't even notice us push desks outta the way to take this picture....oh.....what fun i'm gonna have next year in town....what fun indeed!
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
...obligated to spend time with me...
got my butt kicked at mario kart tonight...i am sooo ashamed..i always beats randy.....Sherbet land is my favorite...i love it...i'm supposed to beat everyone at it..
he kicked my beee-hind....i also told him im soo lonely that he has to feel obligated to spend time with me....god love 'em.......SHERBET land is my FAV!!! I WILL PREVAIL!!!!!!! Muuuahahahahaha!!!
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
....y even bother?...
promises....never make them especially if you are the type of person who doesn't keep them...not a very good holiday...if chris asks me not to do somethin unlesss he is around i say i promise i won't do it...i asked him not to drink when i'm not around and the very day i ask him...he says don't worry...i "Promise" i won't.....yeah right!!!!...guess what chris did on thursday night???? aaaannnddd guess what chris did on friday niht????? he drank....yay!! oh the grace and sweetness of promises...but to top it all off he said on thursday he would come spend the day with me on saturday.....i woke up this morning all excited and four hours later he calls and says...he's not comin bacause he was gonna get a ride with kevin but kevin left early...well he should have beeen up then...if you get this inside joke...Jordan comes over and he got to go..."oh..don't get mad Ashley....and here's what he tops it all off with..get ready for this...."but Ashley I LOVE YOU!".....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha!....sooooooo funny...what a joke!..chris come on...get real...after all the lies and fake promises i have to put up with...that's the best you can come up with...oh well...i guess i got some more patience left...after all the fights...and all the wasted words we say.... y even bother?....go have a drink.....
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