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Thursday, March 10, 2005
cheer me up please...everyone's so dreary around here..almost makes you wanna kill yourself...

another daisy...just to cheer me up again....havin some real personal problems with chris and i...we got in a fight last night..both in the wrong...things aren't as great as we make them remember....yeah...anyways...i dunno if we'll make it out this time...these things are consistant and repeatitive...(sorry kant spell)..anyways...there's a lot of ignoring and a lot of hurtin goin on right now...everything is undecided...what happens to you when everything you love and live for...leaves?? you do the same????Chris i love you questions about it...i mean every word...i wish we could have what we realy want from one more second chances.....
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Friday, March 4, 2005!...

we were in AP and we spend our classes in the library....and of course mrs. haire comes in and rattles her chains to kick us out...errrr!...some omg!..."i'm sorry girls...i have to kick you out of yer class so that i can have mine"!.....makes some lotta sense..anyways the daisy is to cheer me up...i hope it does the same fer you...
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
among clutter and friends...
i really really really really really really really really really...wants dat part of Joanne in the play fer da drama festivel...sooooooo bad i could spontaneously combust or implode or somethin....oh my lord!...i want it soooo bad.....fuck laura riggs....jesus christ holy shit....i want it me me me me me ...i'm very greedy and apoligize for my outburst of rage..i very seldom swear but fuck it all the hell if i don't get dat part...(again i apoligize)
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sentinels volleyball..
i went to see the game against baccaliu...(kant spell) and i really wanted the b'ys to win..but well it didn't happen and i feels real bad cause chris really wanted to beat the bloods of not too appey bout dat soo....
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