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• 1992-02-16
Member Since
• 2004-11-20
• ....starving artist?
Anime Fan Since
• 5th grade-ish.
• must think very long and hard to figure this one out. goodness.
Monday, June 5, 2006
Oh yeah.
sorry i didn't post again sooner.
Cedar point was fun, my friends and i made friends w/ the cable car workers and we're gonna go back to beat the rididng record in 1 buisness day which is 348. [for real!] And i learned how to play poker, which i rock at. And i rode the dragster, which isn't all that it's chocked up to be cuz it's a 17 second ride for a 2 hr wait. Besides that, the ride sucked.
So that was friday- this is sunday.
::Whut hapened saturday::
I was pretty much a zombie cuz we got home at 1[am] from cedar point the past day, but i still went to my friend Mike's* Grad party and hung out for a bit. After that tho i did nothing. :P
*mike is tom's son.
::whut happened yesterday::
After church my friends Thyum and Krista walked around town w/ me til it started pouring so we went to my house, got bored, and gave thyum a make over. :) We wanted to see if he could resemble Danny from AFI, but it didn't work out so the had a head full of black greasy hair til we went to Tom's* Good bye party that was by a lake so once we got there thyum jumped in and washed out his poor head.
And yeah, Tom is gone for good.
* About Tom: He wuz my youth pastor and he was probably my biggest hero. He got me into Bass and singing and super encouraged me in everything. He was pretty much my dad [he's old enough to be, he's like 40 something...] and just overall awsome friend. Everyone is gonna miss him like crazy.
Jeez, that was long. Sorry again. XP
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