female outlaw
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
Freedom for a while.Thats about it really.Have a great weekend!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Just pics today i don't have much too say...
AH!!! the horrible truth about White chocolate!!!!   
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Monday, February 6, 2006
I hate this....
In our comp rooms were not allowed to eat and guess what they do...If they don't need a computer they come here and say....'I wanna go on a computer man...and all that shit then when one's free they repeat the same thing when the computer is taken....*sigh*
Did you all have a good weekend...I know i did.
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Friday, February 3, 2006
Snow!!! Memories.........
I remember when there were fields of snow outside and people got alot of colds...oh g2g...c u. ^_^
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Um....People are cusing the emocts.,.....I can't spell....
Ok morn are all of you guys...bugs and stuff are going around..alot of people are missing and stuff.C u l8er.
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Just read remote.....
o.0 it's so confusing and it's full of nudity and violence.....It's a bit weird too...the art style and all....well l8er.
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
I finally know why outlaw isn't in.....
Flu...of course ...Luckly she hopefully be in by the end of the week.What else...Last week i was on a bus and the driver couldn't see the he said "Mirror mirror"....And this very "unkept" dude discided(?) to say "On the wall"....XD...
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Not much to say today....
.........A*blank* see you later..
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
*Floaty feelin'*
*Hee hee* I'll just put a few pics up...
 The Happy family ^_^
That's all for now. ^_^
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
O.o Fact!
Is Zoisite a guy or a girl?
He was a guy in the Japanese version, but he was gay. Zoisite already looked sort of like a girl, so DiC took advantage of this and made him into a girl for the same reason described above.
Found this while surfing the web...
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